Menopause causes many changes to a woman's body. As oestrogen and progesterone production slows you may notice your vagina becomes drier, loses elasticity, and its epidermal lining becomes thinner. This leads to discomfort and a higher risk of infection as the low levels of vaginal mucus and thinning of the vaginal wall causes irritation, itching, burning and painful intercourse. Infection is also more likely due to changes in your vagina’s pH levels as your hormones change – it shifts from an acidic pH to a neutral one which offers much less protection against bacteria.
GYNTIMA Menopausa pessaries for vaginal dryness are medically approved to help you tackle vaginal dryness and reduce your risk of infection, naturally. These suppositories will add soothing moisture to your vagina and help to maintain its biological balance. Easy to use these vaginal suppositories offer you a hormone-free vaginal dryness treatment with lactic acid to maintain a healthy vaginal pH, add moisture, lock in existing moisture and make you comfortable. You really feel the difference with Gyntima.