VagiKool Feminine Reusable Cold Pack utilises “cold therapy”, one of the oldest, safest, and most effective ways to relieve pain. Super-soft medical grade gel moulds itself to the shape of your body so that you can enjoy cool, soothing pain relief where and when you need it most. Verstile and neat when you use it but invisible to everyone else it can also treat Vulvar varicosities (varicose veins) that form at the outer surface of the vulva.
Applying cold therapy to your vulvar reduces swelling, tissue damage, possible blood clot formation, inflammation, itching, and pain. Simultaneously the “cold exposure” improves the flow of nutrients into the area, increases strength promoting healing for an all-round lasting treatment. Just pop VagiKool Cold Ice Pack in the freezer for a couple of hours then place it in one of the comfort fit sleeves and slip it into your underwear. The gel in the cold pack remains completely flexible so it moulds to your body feeling super comfortable. An absolute essential for anyone about to undergo pelvic surgery, childbirth, hysterectomy etc. Do not be left without this simple yet highly effective way to repair faster, recover better and feel more comfortable.
Recommended For
- Instant relief for the most sensitive part of the body, naturally fights pain and inflammation.
- Painfully burning yeast infections.
- Relieves vaginal discomfort caused by: Childbirth, Vulvodynia, Yeast Infections, Surgery, Postmenopausal intimacy, Herpes, Laser Hair Removal, Vaginosis, Vaginitis, Bikini Waxing, Shaving, Pelvic Congestive Syndrome, Haemorrhoids, Sports Injuries, Increased Sexual Activity, Vaginal Irritations, Vagina Pain, Vulva Pain.
Included Contents
1 x Vagikool reusable gel ice pack.
10 x Komfort-fit protective sleeves.
Soft, medical grade material that is non toxic, latex free. Made in the USA in an FDA accredited facility.
28cm (11")
6cm (2.4")