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5 Things Women Do That Could Improve Men's Health

Women are stereotypically better at looking after their health. Photos of women laughing with salad are the norm, while men are encouraged to neck down as many beers and burgers as possible. This is thought to be a big part of why women live longer than men.

On average, women live for 4 years longer than men. You can avoid health issues and close the gap by taking a few tips from the ladies...

Automatically exercises and strengthens pelvic floor muscles

Practising Yoga

Yoga has been marketed to women for years; when you hear the word ‘yoga’ it’s likely that the image in your head is of a young, thin woman. This has put a lot of men off giving it a go, either because they think they wouldn’t be welcome in a class full of women or because they see it as being ‘girly’. However, yoga can be as gentle or as rigorous a workout as you like.

Men’s bodies have a different structure to women’s; their muscles have more connective tissue, making them harder and less flexible. A lack of flexibility makes you far more vulnerable to getting injured. Yoga is fantastic for making your muscles more durable, as well as increasing your strength. The ‘touchy feely’ aspects of yoga that put some men off are optional, but they’re an excellent way to reduce your stress levels whatever your gender. Try doing a short yoga routine a couple of times a week – there are videos and classes available for every type of goal so you’re sure to find a good fit for you!

Spending Less Time on the Toilet

The average time that a man spends on the toilet per week is 1 hour 45 minutes! This is compared to 1 hour 25 for women. So, what are you all doing with those extra 20 minutes? It’s a pretty common complaint that the men in the house will go into the bathroom with their phone and not emerge until half an hour later. You might see this as a little harmless ‘me time’ but it can actually lead to piles!

The position we sit in on the toilet causes everything in your body to push down on your pelvic floor. As a result, blood builds up around your rectum and swells up the blood vessels – the cause of haemorrhoids. The pressure will also make any pelvic floor disorders worse, leading to incontinence and erectile dysfunction. We’ve got more info on this in our blog:

Seeing the Doctor

Men are about half as likely as women to go and see their doctor. Many guys put off getting their issues checked out until they’ve become totally desperate. This means that men are also far more likely to be admitted to hospital – a consequence of letting serious conditions get worse. The pressure on men to be ‘strong’ and put up with pain can be deadly. This is why campaigns like Movember are so important. By encouraging men to learn the signs and symptoms of things like prostate cancer – and then see a doctor if they have them - we can save lives!

Watching Your Biological Clock

Women are constantly told how important it is to have a baby as soon as possible. When a woman becomes pregnant over the age of 35 it’s referred to as a ‘geriatric’ pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage for women over the age of 35 is around 15%, compared to 6% before. Women’s fertility decreases slowly after their late 20s – but so does male fertility! Men over the age of 40 are 60% more likely to conceive a pregnancy that ends in miscarriage than men in their 20s.

The sperm that your body creates lowers in quality over time, so a 40-year-old passes on almost three times as many genetic mutations as a 20-year-old. This sort of thing isn’t discussed when we’re congratulating older men like Rod Stewart on becoming fathers while tutting at older mothers. You shouldn’t let this scare you into having a child before you’re ready, but it’s worth thinking about! Doctors recommend that it’s best for men to have children before they’re 45.

Doing Regular Kegels

It’s important for women to keep the health of their pelvic floor in mind, as it’s weakened by things like pregnancy and menopause. But men have pelvic floors too – and they’re just as vulnerable to aging! As your pelvic floor weakens with age, you may start experiencing symptoms like incontinence and difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. One in ten men do, but they’re totally preventable!

By doing male kegels on a regular basis you can make sure your pelvic floor stays strong for life. Your pelvic floor muscles wrap around your rectum and the top of your penis. To exercise them, make the same motion you would use to stop the flow of pee. Hold them for about 10 seconds, then slowly release and repeat. A Kegel8 V For Men Pelvic Toner will make your male pelvic floor exercises far more effective, stimulating 90% of the muscles compared to 40% from manual exercises. Your pelvic floor will thank you!