This sensational new line of women's panties promises help you to Kegel exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles making the wearer more orgasmic in the process.

What's the secret of the 'Panty O' Kegel Exerciser?

It's a concealed jelly type exerciser that is 'worn' internally.

It's an inch in height and fixed into the gusset of the panty.

The makers claim that this 'insertable pelvic exerciser' actually helps the wearer to remember to do her Kegel exercises. We certainly think they would be hard to forget with this rascal in place!

The makers also claim that the wearer will be able to 'relieve stress throughout the day'. Not too sure about that one, however if you are serious about pelvic floor exercises and strengthening your Kegels we'd recommend you opt for a Kegel8 Ultra 20 with its 20 clinically proven programmes, including 3 especially designed to improve your intimate sensation - for more effective, orgasmic results!


Pelvic Toners
Kegel exerciser measures your pelvic floor muscle strength, helps you squeeze and exercise pelvic floor muscles for better results in just 12 weeks of pelvic floor exercising.
As low as £74.99
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Pelvic floor exerciser for leaks and prolapse, kegel exercises, pelvic floor therapy, stronger pelvic floor, NMES pelvic floor device, kegel exerciser using estim, fast kegel exercises.
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Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner
As low as £139.99
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