There’s just 5 weeks to go until Christmas Day, and that means that if you’re following our Kegel8 12 week Christmas countdown, you will have been exercising for 7 weeks now and should hopefully be starting to notice a real difference.

Today we’re going to be focusing on one of the big taboos surrounding a weak pelvic floor...

5 Weeks to Christmas – Addressing the Taboos of a Weak Pelvic Floor

It’s 5 weeks to Christmas and if you’re following our 12 week countdown then you’ll be 7 weeks into your exercises, and working on a strong and healthy pelvic floor.

Whether you’ve chosen to Kegel exercise simply to get stronger from the inside out, whether you suffer from prolapse, lack of intimate sensation or incontinence, there’s still a huge taboo around pelvic floor weakness in women. Exercising with Kegel8 will help you to take control of those leaks and enjoy your life again.

It’s just 5 weeks to Christmas – keep exercising, you’re nearly there!