PRACTICAL-PARENTING_MAY-13 Following on from the fabulous reviews of the Kegel8 Cones and Kegel8 Ultra on, we have now been featured in Practical Parenting & Pregnancy magazine who praise our new Kegel8 Trainer and our Kegel8 Smartballs as great ways to strengthen the pelvic floor and prevent leaks after pregnancy. Pelvic floor exercise is an important part of the healing process after giving birth, and Kegel8 make it easy. Kegel8 SmartBalls Kegel Balls for Pelvic Floor ExercisePractical Parenting & Pregnancy magazine highlight that you can use our Kegel8 Smartballs to strengthen up “while pottering around at home” - something which comes in very useful when you are very busy with a new baby. Our Smartballs are great in that you can insert them then go about your business - the natural oscillation of the balls causes a natural reflex of your pelvic floor which works to strengthen your muscles from the inside out with every step. You can also exercise with them - doing your 'squeeze and lift' exercises with the Smartballs in place makes your Kegels even more effective. Kegel8 Trainer Featured in Practical Parenting & Pregnancy MagazineThe magazine also features our new interactive Kegel8 Trainer, underlining how it “guides you through a ten-minute exercise programme with a voice prompt”. When you have given birth, most of your energy is concentrated on looking after your new arrival, but with the Kegel8 Trainer, you can strengthen your pelvic floor in just ten minutes a day. Practical Parenting & Pregnancy magazine also quote our fabulous Founder, Managing Director and resident pelvic floor expert Stephanie Taylor, saying how “pelvic floor problems shouldn't be shrouded in the old taboo of embarrassment or shame” and she's right - the pelvic floor is an important part of every woman's body and it's important that we look after it, regardless of our age. See Kegel8 featured in the May 2013 issue of Practical Parenting & Pregnancy magazine, on sale now.