Trick or Treat Night dealt a particularly embarrassing blow for glamorous Nicola McLean in last night's Celebrity Come Dine With Me when she wet herself on TV.

Ex Page 3 girl, Nicola, laughed so hard that she wets herself. She is seen to laugh off the incontinence episode by saying 'I've wee'd a little bit'. Fellow diner Sally Morgan chips in 'She's just pee'd her pants...she's gonna need Tena's tomorrow and I don't mean Tenners!'

Newsworthy? Not really - but what's more important is that one in 3 women suffer with incontinence yet it is very often seen as a normal part of childbirth and ageing - it isn't! Nicola says 'I've had 2 children; my pelvic floor's not what it used to be'.

Get that girl a Kegel8.

Our plea to all women is don't 'pad the problem' because it won't get any better if you don't kegel exercise - quite the opposite - it will get steadily worse. That is why we are currently facing an epidemic of pelvic organ prolapse - half of all women over the age of 55 will suffer some form of prolapse.

Whilst we might laugh at the young glamorous woman wetting herself on national TV, let's not laugh too hard - because if we don't Kegel exercise we'll be sitting in damp panties too. Not sexy.