Quitting smoking can have a positive impact on your pelvic floor muscles in several ways:

Reduction in Coughing: Chronic coughing from smoking puts repeated strain on your pelvic floor muscles, weakening them over time. Stopping smoking can reduce the frequency and intensity of coughing, thereby lessening the strain and allowing your pelvic floor muscles to recover.

Improved Blood Flow: Smoking impairs blood circulation throughout the body, including the pelvic area. Better blood flow resulting from quitting smoking can enhance the health and function of pelvic floor muscles.

Enhanced Oxygen Levels: Smoking reduces oxygen levels in your blood, which can affect muscle health and repair. Quitting allows for better oxygenation of tissues, including the muscles of the pelvic floor, improving their strength and function.

Lower Risk of Pelvic Floor Disorders: Chronic smoking is associated with a higher risk of pelvic floor disorders such as incontinence and prolapse. By stopping smoking, you decrease the risk of these conditions developing or worsening.

Supportive Treatments Are More Effective: When you quit smoking, treatments aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor, like Kegel exercises or the use of devices like Kegel8, may become more effective due to improved overall health.

Remember, the benefits of quitting smoking extend beyond just the pelvic floor muscles. It's one of the best decisions you can make for your overall health. Plus, with Kegel8's 90-day money-back guarantee, you have the opportunity to strengthen your pelvic floor risk-free, as an additional incentive to quit smoking.

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Here are some more benefits of stopping smoking:

  • Lung capacity will improve by 10%, making breathing and exercising easier
  • Better blood circulation will give you an energy boost, as well as strengthen pelvic floor muscles
  • Smoking only ‘relieves’ stress because it’s relieving nicotine withdrawal; non-smokers are actually less stressed
  • Better blood flow gives stronger orgasms and better sex for you and your partner!
  • Your fertility is damaged by smoking; quitting makes it easier to conceive
  • Taste and smell improve, making food taste better
  • You skin will get better; smoking prematurely ages the skin
  • No more stained teeth and bad breath!
  • If you quit by 30 and you’ll add 10 years to your life; by 60 and you'll add 3 years
  • Protect your family; children in smoking homes have increased risk of illness and cancer

5 Top Tips for Quitting Smoking

  • Give yourself a date to stop by and stick to it
  • Change your routines to avoid triggers
  • Your local stop smoking service can make you 4 times more likely to quit
  • Make a list of reasons to quit and look at it during cravings
  • Exercise just for a few minutes creates anti-craving chemicals in your brain

Get Your Strong Pelvic Floor Back with Kegel8

Now that you’ve decided to quit smoking, what else can you do to reverse the damage you’ve done to your pelvic floor? A Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner will help you get back on track in 12 weeks or less! Kegels are the best way to strengthen your pelvic floor and free yourself from incontinence. A Kegel8 will make your Kegels 50% more effective, ensuring that your recovery from pelvic problems is quick and easy. Reverse the negative effects of smoking with Kegel8!


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