October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and here at Kegel8 we will be taking part in the Wear it Pink Breast Cancer Campaign this October

We are committed to Women's Health Issues and believe a healthy pair of breasts is just as important as a fit pelvic floor! Every year in the UK, just over 12,000 people die from breast cancer and approximately 46,000 people are diagnosed, including nearly 300 MEN! This works out to one person every 11 minutes! How many could have been saved if they had performed a monthly Breast Self Exam (BSE) for early detection?

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


When and How Often Should You Check Your Breasts?

Women should start performing monthly checks as early as in their 20's. The best time to do a BSE is 2 or 3 days after the end of your period, this allows the tenderness and swelling caused by hormones to subside. If you are irregular, pick a date and do them the same day every month. It's important to get to know your breasts, to know what's normal and what's not. A good starting point would be to have a clinical breast exam with your next smear test and every one thereafter. Women age 40 and older should begin having screening mammograms every year.

So How Should I Feel My Breasts?

So now that you know the facts about Breast Cancer, how about a demonstration on how to actually DO the BSE? First off, find a comfortable and private place. While using your Kegel8 Pelvic Floor Exerciser would be an idea. In the bath or shower is also recommended since the soapy water will help your hands glide over your breasts easier. Now that you've picked a spot, have a look at this demonstration video. You may want to watch it again and again, just to get the technique down of course!