My name is Beverley Dale, I am 36 years old and I have been living with a prolapsed bowel for too long. I went to hospital in May of this year with heavy periods (this had being an ongoing problem for 2 years). They had tried to use a Mirena to slow the bleeding but this didn't work. Initially I didn't go for my bowel; I think I had accepted this as part of my body. Manual evacuation isn't a pleasant thing but I had enough to worry about so this was put on the back burner. While having an internal scan they found my prolapsed bowel, a large cyst was found and my Mirena was in the wrong place. First they needed to tackle my cyst and the Mirena. I went into hospital in July and by the end of August I was ready for my next challenge, my prolapse.


I went for my appointment beginning of September to discuss my bowel. The Gyno informed me on my earlier surgery they had noticed I had the starting of a prolapse in my bladder and my uterus. These were going to be left alone for now. I needed surgery to repair my prolapse, remove a large hernia and to reconstruct the triangular piece of flesh that is the perineum. The doctor recommended I completely change my lifestyle. No heavy lifting, no hovering, no mowing the lawn and no lifting anything heavier than a 4 pint carton of milk.

The only positive thing that came from the discussion was I can cycle for my hearts content. This is because you're totally supported by sitting on the seat. I came out thinking at 36 there are thousands of things I can no longer do. After I put my sensible head on I realised there are thousands of things I wouldn't want to do and could never do. From now on I can no longer bungee jump (never did it, never wanted to) so it didn't matter anyway. I tried focusing on what I can do; once I'm fully back on my feet I am treating myself to a new bike. We have had to sell our camping gear (can't help with putting the tent up etc.) with this money we are going for a Caravan holiday. I think it's all down to perception!


I Had Prolapse Bowel Surgery on 19 October; This is How I've Got on So Far.

When I got out of surgery I felt quite good, I was pleasantly surprised. The painkillers were great and I didn't feel a thing. That night was a slightly different story every time I moved my legs it hurt. I had medication through the night, this helped immensely. I was so scared that I had made a mistake and asked myself was it worth it? My legs were in these compression straps, that inflated every minute or so (these were quite relaxing actually).

The next day they took the wadding out of my Loolar (age 36 and I still can't bring myself to say Vagina). This was the best thing they could have every done, all the pain and discomfort the night before was from this wadding. I felt 100% better. I could sit up and started to feel more in control.

Over the day next few days I had my compression straps removed and put on a very fetching pair of surgical stockings. I was given Lactulose to help me go for a poo. My first poo was quite scary (everything in your body says, don't push!) but everything went fine and I felt so much better for going.

I was told by my physiotherapist that I had to have 2 weeks extended hospital rest at home (no more than you would do in the hospital) and told me to start my pelvic floor exercises ASAP. 100 a day for the rest of my life! I started thinking about the pelvic floor exercises, 100 sounds a lot but break it down. Making a cup of tea (10) having a shower (10) dinnertime (10) Cuppa time (10) favourite program on (10). Once you have this in your mind you soon get through 100 without feeling you have.

At home each day blends into the next; lots of rest, reading, TV, DVDs, magazines and visitors. It's a struggle to be interesting all the time!

By day 8 I was so bored, needed to take things into my own hands. I know shopping! I did my first Tesco shop on-line. No pushing a trolley, No heavy goods and No leaving my chair. I started to feel a bit more in control now. I could decide what we were having for tea!

Day 12, feeling fantastic. Put cards away, pottered around the house. Day 13 Yesterday! What a mistake. I did too much (although it didn't feel like that) I felt sore and now walking gingerly. I need Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Such a silly girl, I am supposed to be able to do my 5 minute walk tomorrow. What if I don't feel up to it now! Ugh! Instead I just sat and read all day.

Luckily by the next day I felt a lot better, who would have thought doing something so small would leave you feeling so tired? I don't need painkillers today. I am so relieved; I really wanted to get out of the house today. Even if it is only a 5 minute walk. FRESH AIR! I am now on day 16, I am still taking my 5 minute walk a day, next week I can increase it to 10-15 minutes. I know it will take time getting back to normal and I will have to be patient. But it is all up from here.

Top Tips For Prolapsed Bowel

  • Try not to read too much on the web (I did this scared myself half to death) It doesn't help and everyone heals differently. I think it's down to positive mental attitude.
  • Get a round cushion with a hole, it's very comfy to sit on (believe me it is a must)
  • Ask for Senna or Lactulose in hospital ASAP after (your body slightly goes into shock and you don't want to go, to begin with) this will pass but the medication will help.
  • Don't underestimate the surgery you're having, do exactly as you're told and it does work!
  • Buy a water boiler that boils a cup at a time. This way you can still have some independence. Believe me this feels good.
  • Think about things in your cupboards, you don't want to be stretching for a while.
  • Have supportive friends and family looking after you

© Beverley Dale 2010