Kegel exercises can be beneficial for women who are trying to get pregnant. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises can have several advantages for overall pelvic health and potential pregnancy.

Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can have a positive impact on fertility and fertility treatments, but their direct influence might be limited to specific cases. Pelvic floor exercises primarily target the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. They are often recommended for improving pelvic muscle strength, which can be especially important during pregnancy and childbirth. However, their role in fertility treatment is indirect and supportive rather than directly enhancing the effectiveness of fertility treatments.

Here's how pelvic floor exercises might be beneficial in the context of fertility treatment:

Improved Blood Flow: Engaging in pelvic floor exercises can help improve blood circulation to the pelvic area. This can contribute to better oxygen and nutrient supply to the reproductive organs, potentially creating a more favourable environment for conception and embryo implantation.

Preparation for Pregnancy: Strong pelvic floor muscles can support the weight of the growing uterus during pregnancy and aid in the prevention of issues like incontinence and pelvic pain.

Enhanced Sexual Function: A healthy pelvic floor can lead to improved sexual function, which may positively impact couples' ability and willingness to engage in regular sexual activity during the fertile window.

Reduced Stress: Engaging in regular pelvic floor exercises can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Stress has been linked to infertility, so managing stress levels can indirectly support fertility.

Preparation for Labour: Strong pelvic floor muscles can be advantageous during labour and childbirth, aiding in pushing and potentially reducing the risk of tearing.

Postpartum Recovery: Pelvic floor exercises are often recommended after childbirth to help the muscles recover and regain their strength. This can aid in postpartum recovery and possibly make subsequent pregnancies more successful.

Does a weak pelvic floor impact fertility?

A weak pelvic floor can potentially have some impact on fertility, but the extent of this impact can vary depending on the individual and other contributing factors. The pelvic floor muscles play a role in supporting the reproductive organs and maintaining overall pelvic health. Over time, exercises like Kegels can improve the chances of pregnancy. Here are a few ways in which a weak pelvic floor might affect fertility:

Reduced Blood Flow: Weak pelvic floor muscles may contribute to reduced blood flow to the pelvic area. This could affect the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the reproductive organs, potentially impacting their function and health.

Uterine Position: Pelvic floor muscles help support the uterus and keep it in its proper position. Weak pelvic floor muscles might result in a tilted or retroverted uterus, which could potentially affect the sperm's ability to reach the egg.

Altered Vaginal Canal: Weak pelvic floor muscles might lead to a loosening of the vaginal canal. While this might not directly impact fertility, it could affect sexual satisfaction and potentially influence couples' willingness to engage in regular sexual activity during the fertile window.

Sexual Dysfunction: Weak pelvic floor muscles can contribute to sexual dysfunction, including pain during intercourse. This could potentially lead to challenges in achieving conception due to discomfort during intercourse.

Postpartum Recovery: After childbirth, weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to issues such as urinary incontinence, which might impact sexual activity and overall pelvic health. Proper recovery of the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth is important for subsequent pregnancies.

While pelvic floor exercises can offer these potential benefits, they are not a guaranteed solution for fertility issues, especially in cases of underlying medical conditions causing infertility. If you're undergoing fertility treatments, it's important to work closely with your healthcare provider or fertility specialist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific situation.

In summary, while pelvic floor exercises may not directly enhance the effectiveness of fertility treatments, they can contribute to overall pelvic health, potentially creating a more supportive environment for conception and pregnancy. It's always advisable to consult with a medical professional before starting any exercise regimen, especially if you're undergoing fertility treatment.

The use of the Kegel8 Ultra 20 v2 is contra indicated during pregnancy (unless under medical supervision), however we have 1000's of happy women who have strengthened their pelvic floor muscles BEFORE BECOMING PREGNANT in preparation for pregnancy, and then again afterwards when getting back into shape. If you have any queries about how Kegel8 can help you please contact our Kegel8 Advisers through our Book a Call page, we can't give you medical advice, but we can help you with our product knowledge on how Kegel8 can help you get a stronger pelvic floor!

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner