It's winter and given past experiences we're all preparing for massive amounts of snow.  The change of weather, along with all those Christmas parties, has probably left you with a nasty cold or flu. Wonderful! If that wasn't bad enough, it can result in stress incontinence! So what can you do to avoid leaking when you sneeze? We know...

We're all familiar with the sneeze-pee or the cough-pee. On regular days they're troublesome but when you can't stop sneezing or coughing it just adds to the misery! When you're in bed feeling like death warmed up, the last thing you want to think about is incontinence pads.

Just as you exercise healthy habits to avoid getting sick in the first place, you should be exercising your pelvic floor! When you have a fit immune system, you're less likely to catch a cold or flu. When you have a fit pelvic floor, you're less likely to wet your pants when you cough or sneeze. It makes sense, doesn't it?

Brace Yourself to Avoid Accidents!

If you've been lucky enough to avoid getting sick so far this year, practice now for the next time you feel a tickle in your nose. Don't forget to brace you pelvic floor before you let loose with a sneeze. See if it makes a difference - we bet it does! Keep this up and before long it will become second nature to clench before a cough or sneeze. Then, when you do come down with the inevitable cold your pelvic floor will be ready for the extra strain!

Contract your pelvic floor and perform a Kegel when you feel a sneeze building. This means the excess pressure won't leave you wet. The fast twitch fibres of your pelvic floor contract quickly to keep in your urine, wind and poo. You need to exercise these fibres by performing kegels. Doing manual kegels is not as easy as you think! This is why it's a great idea to treat yourself to a Kegel8 pelvic toner.

What to Take - and Not Take - During a Cold

Great news too that The Cardiff University Common Cold Centre have said results from their clinical studies prove that Echinacea can reduce colds by 26% also taking it can also reduce the duration of the cold  - this could really help your pelvic floor this winter!

Something else to keep in mind, if you are laid up in bed and you're taking a decongestant, it could worsen incontinence symptoms! Decongestants have a side effect of tightening the urinary sphincter. They're also known to cause urinary retention and overflow incontinence! All the more reason to prepare yourself now before it's too late!

Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner


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