Using the Kegel8 Kegel Weight Set is an easy and cost-effective way to measure the strength of your pelvic floor

Calling all women – young and old – during March, Kegel8 is challenging you to #GetAGrip of your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor is an essential part of the body, and unknowingly, you use it every single day.

You can measure the strength of your pelvic floor by participating in the Kegel8 #GetAGrip challenge. Simply grab your Kegel8 Kegel Exercise Balls, and if you can wave the wand down with your pelvic floor muscles – you’ve got a grip!

Why do I need to exercise my pelvic floor?

1 in 3 women suffer from a pelvic floor disorder. This includes incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain.

Your pelvic floor is important for your posture, the control of your bladder and bowel, childbirth and much more. Your pelvic floor is a band of muscles which stretches from your pubic bone to your coccyx. The muscles act like a hammock, supporting your uterus, bladder and bowel, holding them all in place.

Your pelvic floor muscles will naturally weaken over time if you do not seek to strengthen and maintain them. By exercising your pelvic floor muscles, you will have greater bladder and bowel control, and experience improved intimate sensation too!

Kegel8 Strong vs Weak Pelvic Floor

I don’t suffer at the moment; do I still need to exercise?

Yes! If you’re not currently experiencing the effects of pelvic floor weakness, such as leaks, you may not even be aware that your pelvic floor is there. You can use the Kegel8 Kegel Weights Set as a preventative measure to strengthen your pelvic floor. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in the future, increase intimate sensation, and can even prepare your pelvic floor muscles for pregnancy and natural childbirth.

Why should I use the Kegel8 Kegel Exercise Set?

Using the Kegel8 Kegel Weight Set is an easy and cost-effective way to measure the strength of your pelvic floor.

When using the Kegl8 Weights you will be able to see exactly when you are exercising correctly - leaving no time to waste when perfecting your Kegels!

Learn more about the Kegel8 Kegel Weights Exercise Set.

Is it too late to strengthen my pelvic floor?

Start today! It is never too late to start making improvements to your pelvic floor. If you have already noticed some urine leakage or given up on your manual Kegel exercises because they’re just not working, don’t worry. You can use the Kegel8 Exercise Plan included with the Kegel8 Weights Set to make a difference. Your muscle tone will be restored, and you can enjoy greater bladder control, as well as a restoration in self-confidence!



Reviews for the Kegel8 Kegel Weight Exercise Set

Jackie - A Great Price!

"The Kegel8 weights are great. I've only used them a few times but they showed me that my pelvic floor muscles aren't as strong as I thought. I'm now following the included exercise plan to get it back in shape. If you're on the fence then at this price I think it's a no-brainer."

Jenny - I Recommend This to Other Women!

"Was recommended by my Physio, and it has helped me isolate the correct muscles and made me much more aware of how my muscles work, and more importantly have stopped the leaks.

I have not worn a pad for 4 weeks now, which is amazing!"

Kegel8 Kegel Weights Exercise Set

Not sure how strong you are?

The Kegel8 Kegel Weights help you measure your strength; when you squeeze and lift correctly, the tail waves down