Nocturia is the fancy medical name for ‘peeing at night’. It’s normal to have to get up and go to the toilet during the night once in a while. But if you find yourself getting up every night, multiple times then you have a problem.

Read on to find out how you can fix this night-time annoyance once and for all!

There are quite a few common causes of nocturia, including:

  • Bladder infections
  • Overactive bladder
  • Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Sleep apnoea

If you have any of these conditions, then treating them should also ease your nocturia. However, frequent urination at night can also be caused by lifestyle factors or by weakness in your pelvic floor. Easily fixed with our tips!

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Try these 5 tips for better sleep

If you have trouble sleeping in general, then you are more likely to suffer from nocturia. This is because being awake will make you more likely to feel the need to pee. By improving your sleep habits you can lessen the likelihood of night urination. Before you resort to sleeping pills, try these natural lifestyle adjustments to help you sleep:

  1. Stop drinking large amounts of liquid a couple of hours before going to bed
  2. Lessen your intake of caffeine as it can irritate the bladder and keep you awake
  3. Only use your bedroom for sleeping and don’t spend time in there during the day
  4. A warm bath or some light stretching can help you prepare for bed
  5. Avoid ‘blue light’ from electronics for about an hour before bed (try a book instead!)

It’s also a good idea to look at your general toileting habits:

A weak pelvic floor leads to excessive urination at night

If your pelvic floor muscles are too weak then you will find it difficult to hold urine in. This can lead to incontinence, which may start as nocturia. It’s important to start a nocturia treatment that focuses on your pelvic floor muscles. This will help to stop your symptoms from getting worse and leading to incontinence. By doing kegels regularly using a Kegel8 Ultra 20 Pelvic Toner you can overcome nocturia and get a good night’s sleep again!

Is your weight making you need to pee at night?

Nocturia is also associated with excess weight. A study on 3500 people found that the heavier someone is, the more they suffer from nocturia. 37.2% of women of a healthy weight had to get up to go at least once a night. This is compared to 48.3% of overweight women and 53.6% of obese women! Having too much fat in your abdomen puts additional pressure on your internal organs, including your bladder. It also affects your pelvic floor; find out more in our blog What Difference Can 10% Weight Loss Make? Today's Top Pelvic Tip.


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