t was hard for Heather to find help as a woman in her 20s with pelvic floor problems. Her confidence really took a hit and she felt unable to talk to her partner.

Story at a glance

It was hard for Heather to find help as a woman in her 20s with pelvic floor problems. Her confidence really took a hit and she felt unable to talk to her partner.

Since getting her Kegel8 her sex life has improved massively. Kegel8 helped her to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles, setting her up for a life free from pelvic problems.

Heather used the Kegel8 Ultra 20 to get these results.

I had been trying for a year to strengthen my pelvic floor. I tried YouTube, reading the web and general exercise guides. I had always lacked confidence in my feeling of intimate sensation but was too embarrassed to seek professional help. Friends rarely talk about such things and I was never sure if I was getting my Kegel exercises right. I think being a young, attractive female I never found it appropriate to bring up in conversations.

I was affected mainly by lack of confidence and sense of intimacy with my partner but I never wanted to bring it up as an issue for fear of what he would say about me, and I didn’t want to cause offense. I am young (late 20s) and felt that I couldn’t talk about my problems.

I found Kegel8 through an online search and wanted to try it because it stated that it would help locate and strengthen my Kegel muscles. I bought it in secret from my partner and friends; I was excited to try it though.

"It's brought me and my partner closer"


When it arrived it took me a bit of time to work it out. When I phoned the helpline they talked me through it all step by step and gave me a 12 week program to follow. After the 1st week I noticed a change. I could locate my muscles and flex and relax myself. After 3 weeks my partner stated that he noticed the difference and the change in me. I told him about my purchase and he was surprised but thought it was really working; he became so supportive. We both feel much closer and couldn’t recommend Kegel8 enough.

Since using the product for 12 weeks I have grown so much in confidence! Intimacy has improved dramatically and I can easily locate, flex, relax and contract my kegel muscles.

Which Kegel8 Did Heather Use?

Heather used the best selling Kegel8 with 20 clinically-proven pelvic floor exercise and relaxation programmes; it also

  • Includes the NEW innovative Kegel8 Glide Gold Vaginal Probe; comfortable to use - even with a prolapse
  • For pelvic floor exercise,sensation improvement, bladder & bowel incontinence, pain relief, and postpartum.
  • Locates and exercises weak pelvic floor muscles making them strong again
  • Noticeable results within weeks, this is a must for menopause, prolapse & hysterectomy too

Share Your Success Story

Sharing the experiences of those who've used Kegel8 helps us demonstrate the effectiveness of our products, so that we can reach more people who need us.

In the UK 1 in 3 women suffer with stress incontinence, and 50% of women over 55 will have some form of prolapse.

We know our products work but there are still barriers to people seeking help. Your story can help us demonstrate the value Kegel8 through personal testimony; a very powerful way of encouraging others to seek a solution to their problems and by doing this we can encourage more people to use Kegel8.

If you’d like to share your story or to find out more, please get in touch: [email protected]

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


Heather submitted this story to us and it was published 07/03/2017