Kegel8 treated Tara's urge incontinence when she found that ordinary kegel exercises did not work for her.

Story at a glance

Urge incontinence was a big problem for Tara; the potential for accidents affected her confidence and social life.

She's already seen a big improvement after only 3 weeks, and is enjoying a life free of pads and worry!

Tara used the Kegel8 Ultra 20 to get these results.

My motive for purchasing a Kegel8 was primarily to address the increasing problem of urge incontinence. At 56 and having had 3 children, I was also aware of having pelvic floor weakness that resulted in a lack of intimate sensation. Whilst this was very unwelcome, I was more concerned that I had encountered a few 'accidents' when not managing to get to the toilet in time and this greatly impacted on my social life and also my self-confidence. I found myself cutting down on my fluid intake whenever I had to leave the house, even though I know this is definitely not recommended and can be quite harmful.

I had tried doing physical exercises (with little or no effect) but was wary about spending money from a rather tight budget on this gadget, I had seen articles about the Kegel8 on TV and in magazines and having read so many positive reviews and recommendations I decided I couldn't afford not to buy it as I could only envisage my problem increasing over time.

"Kegel8 has made such a positive difference"


I first noticed positive results after the first week, and now after three, have seen a significant improvement in my bladder control (I can wash the dishes without dashing off to the loo as soon as I turn the tap on!!). I feel confident enough to venture out wearing nothing more than a liner recommended for bladder sensitivity (not required but just in case!) as opposed to bulky incontinence pads. It has made such a positive difference and I am excited that it will continue to strengthen my bladder and pelvic floor with further regular use.

I really would recommend Kegel8 because I want other women who are experiencing the same problems to feel the benefit as I have done, and also want to thank other previous customers for convincing me through sharing their experiences, that this gadget really does work.

Which Kegel8 Did Tara Use?

Tara used the best selling Kegel8 with 20 clinically-proven pelvic floor exercise and relaxation programmes; it also

  • Includes the NEW innovative Kegel8 Glide Gold Vaginal Probe; comfortable to use - even with a prolapse
  • For pelvic floor exercise,sensation improvement, bladder & bowel incontinence, pain relief, and postpartum.
  • Locates and exercises weak pelvic floor muscles making them strong again
  • Noticeable results within weeks, this is a must for menopause, prolapse & hysterectomy too

Share Your Success Story

Sharing the experiences of those who've used Kegel8 helps us demonstrate the effectiveness of our products, so that we can reach more people who need us.

In the UK 1 in 3 women suffer with stress incontinence, and 50% of women over 55 will have some form of prolapse.

We know our products work but there are still barriers to people seeking help. Your story can help us demonstrate the value Kegel8 through personal testimony; a very powerful way of encouraging others to seek a solution to their problems and by doing this we can encourage more people to use Kegel8.

If you’d like to share your story or to find out more, please get in touch: [email protected]

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


Tara submitted this story to us and it was published 29/03/2017