Katy Bowman is a renowned biomechanist with a specialty in the science of movement. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, with a focus on Biomechanics, from California State University Fresno

Boost Pelvic Floor Fitness with Posture: Learn from Katy Bowman's Aligned and Well DVD & Enhance Results with Kegel8 Stimulation - 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. Pelvic floor disorders can affect all women whether or not they've previously given birth.

In this short film, discover how Katy Bowman's insights on posture from her bestselling 'Aligned and Well' DVD can significantly benefit your pelvic floor health. Alongside these expert tips, we'll shed light on how incorporating Kegel8 pelvic floor stimulation into your routine can lead to even better results, all with the confidence of a 90-day money-back guarantee. Understand the easy core strength test, make simple life changes for your health, and learn why your current habits could be affecting your pelvic floor fitness. Embrace a stronger, healthier you with the dual power of proper posture and Kegel8's innovative support.

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Katy Bowman is a renowned biomechanist with a specialty in the science of movement. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, with a focus on Biomechanics, from California State University Fresno (2000), and a Master of Science in Kinesiology, also focusing on Biomechanics, from California State University Northridge (2006)​​. She is recognized as a leader in what's described as the "Movement movement" and has authored ten books, including the influential 'Move Your DNA', which have been translated into more than 16 languages globally​​.

Her work is centered around the idea of changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. As a movement educator and the founder and director of Nutritious Movement, Bowman is dedicated to increasing human movement and nature education across a diverse audience​​. Moreover, she has garnered an international reputation for her effective approach to reducing pain, increasing bone density, improving metabolic health, and resolving issues related to the pelvic floor​​.

Bowman's approach to movement and health is holistic, taking into account how everyday activities and habits can impact our overall physical well-being, including the health of the pelvic floor. Her expertise and guidance are particularly relevant for those looking to improve their pelvic floor fitness, core strength, and overall health through movement and posture.