Physiotherapist Myra Robson's Guide to Achieving a Happy Bowel - Tips and Solutions at Kegel8

Squeezy App creator Myra Robson gives us some expert tips on how to keep your bowel happy! At Kegel8, we understand that bowel health is a crucial component of your overall well-being and quality of life. It's not a topic to shy away from, but rather one to approach with knowledge and care. Myra Robson, a respected physiotherapist, offers invaluable insights to our readers on how to maintain a happy and healthy bowel.

Keeping your Pelvic Floor Strong

There are numerous causes for a weak pelvic floor - excess weight, smoking, poor posture, heavy lifting and pelvic surgery, but did you know that constipation is a common cause of weak pelvic floor?

The connection between a robust pelvic floor and bowel function is clear; these muscles are essential for controlling when and how we go to the bathroom. Strengthening these muscles with Kegel8’s range of pelvic toners can therefore lead to improved bowel control and regularity.

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


Constipation Symptoms

There are a number of factors that cause constipation, here are a few of the most common:

    • Not enough fluid intake
    • Too much or too little fibre
    • Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
    • Lifestyle and bowel habits
    • Not enough general exercise

Treating Constipation

Here are some helpful tips from Myra on how you can keep your bowels regular and in turn keep your pelvic floor healthy and strong:

  • Drink 1.5 - 2 litres of fluid a day and aim for a maximum of 35g of fibre a day (an intake of 18 - 30g is ideal). Try taking a pre or pro-biotic supplement eg: Yakult and continue if it helps. Kegel8 stock Power Dophilus, a dairy-free pro-biotic to keep your gut healthy.
  • Do not strain when you go to the toilet, allow your body time to relax and breathe properly. A good toilet position helps (try our Go Better toilet stool).
  • Pelvic floor exercise particularly relaxation and a variety of physiotherapy techniques can help (our Kegel8 Ultra 20 helps you locate and exercise / relax the correct pelvic muscles).
  • Keep fit and active. Include sport and general exercise in your daily life.
  • Use your abdominal muscles effectively without straining. Place one hand on your lower abdomen and one on your waist. As your abdominal muscles tighten you should feel your hands being pushed out forwards and sideways. This is called 'brace' or 'brace and bulge'.   

Recognizing the individual nature of bowel health, Kegel8 provides a diverse array of products to cater to different needs and situations. And to ensure that you can embark on your journey to better bowel health with complete confidence, Kegel8 offers an encouraging 90-day money-back guarantee. This assurance allows you to experience the benefits of our pelvic floor toners and find the right solution for your unique body, without any risk.

With Myra Robson’s expert advice and Kegel8’s trusted solutions, a happy and healthy bowel is within reach. Let us guide you through a personalized approach to bowel wellness, supported by our commitment to your satisfaction and health.

About Myra Robson, Award Winning Women's Health Physiotherapist

Myra Robson is a Senior Women's Health Physiotherapist in London. She specialises in women's pelvic health issues including pelvic organ prolapse (POP), pelvic floor dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain and bladder and bowel dysfunction. Myra shares the same passion for pelvic health as us here at Kegel8 and is keen to spread the word about how important pelvic health is for both women and men. In 2013 Myra released the Squeezy App, which is an app designed so that women will remember to do their Kegel exercises and since its release over 65,000 apps have been sold internationally!