BBC's Woman's Hour are Keeping Menopause Talk Positive

With female life expectancy in the UK rising to an average of 83, most women will be post-menopausal for one third of their lives. It is very important for women to be able to navigate their way through that time of their lives and make their experience of menopause a positive one.

Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour host, Tina Daheley, spoke to Jo McEwan, co-founder of Hot Flush, about the menopause and keeping it positive on World Menopause Day (18th October).

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During the broadcast, Jo noted that:

At the moment we’re working on a campaign called #PositivePause, and that is very much where we are taking the negative impact of menopause symptoms and turning it on its head.

“We’re working with women’s health physios, we’re working with nutritionists, we’re being supported by Kegel8. We are saying to women there is an awful lot that you can do out there, we want to say communication is absolutely key.

Listen to the full broadcast below:

Jo McEwan. Jo has worked in education, in one way or another, since leaving university. Much of her work requires strong communication skills and a passion for what she does. She brings these skills to bear in PositivePause simplifying key ideas and options.