There's more to losing weight than just going on a diet right? We all know to exercise and eat 'clean' but then there's the secret tips to help you along that little bit more; tips that aren't always common knowledge like putting your knife and folk down in between bites at meal times, having a drink of water before you eat, getting 8 hours of quality sleep a night... I am sure you could all share more!

Well it's the same when it comes to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles - yes, your kegel exercises are a definite MUST but there is more you can do to help...

What Else Can I Do To Help My Pelvic Floor?

Sit up straight

Rectify your posture - this can really help to relieve your pelvic floor from excess pressure which over time can lead to pelvic floor weakness and even prolapse. It's as simple as 'BBC' - Bum at the Back of your Chair

Take your vitamins

Vitamin D3 has been clinically proven to benefit your pelvic floor. A recent survey found that 23% of women with low Vitamin D3 levels reported at least one sign of pelvic floor weakness... regardless of their age! We believe in this supplement as an aid to a healthy pelvic floor so much that we have sourced this wonderful Sunvit D3 and made it available to buy from us. Vitamin D3 can also help with period pain and weight loss... and speaking of weight loss;

Watch your weight

If you know you carry an extra few pounds than you should (as many of us do) it is important you don't ignore the affect this could have on your pelvic floor. In a Kegel8 review featured in The Daily Mail, Dr Mark Slack, Consultant Urogynaecologist from Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge says that fat can infiltrate muscles, weakening them. Just a 10% weight loss can reduce this muscle weakness by as much as 50%. That's got to be worth skipping a biscuit break!

Avoid constipation

Constipation is really bad for your pelvic floor. All that pushing and straining is all extra pressure on your pelvic floor. At the risk of giving you nostalgia of your childhood; eat lots of fruit and veg and drink plenty of water! Believe it or not there are great products out there to help too like the Squatty Potty - the name may make you smile but the results will make you smile even more! It is a toilet stool which helps to position your body into a squat when going to the loo to make it easier to 'go'. 

They are available from or and they really do work!


But don't forget to Kegel

Whether you Kegel manually with Kegel8 Vaginal Cones or prefer to target deep into the muscles with an Electronic Kegel8 Pelvic Floor Toner, make pelvic floor exercise your priority in your mission to a strong and healthy pelvic floor.