Are you fanatical about fags, crazy about cigarettes, or simply a victim of your own dependency?  There’s no doubt about it; when it comes to smoking, giving in to temptation is a risky business.


We’re all aware of the heath implications; they’ve been well documented over the years.  Why then, do so many of us continue in pursuit of our daily nicotine ‘fix’ regardless?

No Smoking Day 2014 with Kegel8

Hiding behind a smokescreen of denial, many of us choose not accept the facts, or simply view quitting as too much of a challenge.  In many cases we have already tried, and failed, to kick the habit. 

Pessimists may declare this a lack of willpower; however, physical dependencies such as this require time and support to break.  In a study carried out by the British Heart Foundation, it was revealed that 82% of smokers had unsuccessfully tried to quit at one time or another, and 40% had made between 4 and 21 attempts to do so.  From this, we can only glean that the majority of smokers are trying to battle their addiction, and simply require a little assistance to do so.  So, with more people than ever ditching the fags and opting for a puff on an electronic cigarette, just what will it take for them to throw away that final packet of cigarettes once and for all?

Year on year, No Smoking Day has been a breath of fresh air to countless smokers in the UK.  It provides the opportunity and resources to help quitters achieve their goals.  The campaign is managed by the British Heart Foundation, who has teamed up with the NHS to provide 24 hours of free support and information; giving those hoping to quit a helping hand.  This year marks the 31st anniversary of No Smoking Day, so what better time to affect that all important change?  Each year, 750,000 smokers try to stop on No Smoking Day, and a 2009 survey found that 1 in 10 actually manage to quit.  Research suggests that 22% of men and 19% of women in the UK currently smoke, with two thirds of them admitting that they would like to quit.  No Smoking Day is a tool to aid them in doing just that.

It has become ingrained over the years that smoking is a killer.  However, we mustn’t overlook the effect it also has on our general day to day lives.  One disorder not commonly associated with smoking is incontinence.  This may sound trivial in comparison to the majority of other illnesses we do associate with it.  However, the effects on physical and emotional wellbeing should not be underestimated.  Incontinence can inspire anxiety, and in some cases even depression, resulting in a completely different and much more unfulfilling lifestyle.

Studies have found that smokers are one and a half times more likely to develop an overactive bladder than non-smokers. It is believed that this occurs due to the effect of nicotine on the detrusor muscle.  In addition, the chronic coughing, (and illnesses such as bronchitis or asthma) that is all too often associated with smoking, puts pressure on the pelvic floor, increasing the likelihood of developing incontinence.

Smoking also causes decreased oestrogen levels in men and women, compromising blood and oxygen supply to the tissues.  As a result they can become weakened over time, increasing the risk of falling victim to a pelvic floor disorder in the future.

Luckily, Kegel8 can help to rebuild the muscle strength lost throughout years of smoking.  We’ll be with you every step of the way; whilst you quit and even after you have successfully become a non-smoker.  So, at least that’s one less thing to worry about!