Top Tips on Managing Little Leaks During Sex

Urinary incontinence can dampen your sex life in more ways than one. It’s hard not to feel like you’re the only one who’s going through the issue. But you’re not alone – 1 in 3 women have daily leakage episodes. So how can you tackle the problem? Read on to learn more.

Urinary incontinence is recognised as the unintentional passing of urine. It’s a lot more common than you think and is thought to affect millions of people!

Just to put the issue into perspective – if urinary incontinence were a country, it would be the third largest in the world!

Urinary incontinence is one of the main causes of decline in sexual activity in older people. Plus, it’s linked to high levels of depression and anxiety. Let Kegel8 help you to take control of your bladder health today, for better intimacy tonight…

Kegel8’s Top Tips on Managing Urinary Incontinence During Sex

  • Kegel!Pelvic floor exercise is the first-line treatment for tackling incontinence. Your pelvic floor muscles are the most important components in bladder control as they help to open and close your urethral sphincter – a vital job. You can keep these muscles strong and supportive by performing Kegel exercises. If you find it hard to recognise whether you’re doing your Kegels correctly, try using a biofeedback device. Alternatively, take all of the guesswork out of it and let the Kegel8 Ultra 20 strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with the push of a button.
  • Kegel8 Strong Vs Weak Pelvic Floor Diagram

  • Talk it out – Communication is key in a relationship – that’s no secret. But a secret that you may be keeping is your urinary incontinence. Don’t hide your pelvic floor issues from your partner. Ensure you talk openly about your condition and your apprehension of leaking during sexual intercourse.
  • Mix it up – Try a different position in the bedroom. A missionary position is best avoided when you suffer from coital incontinence. Instead, choose a position where less pressure is placed on the pelvic area and urethra.
  • Avoid alcohol – If you’re worried about leaking during sex, limit your alcohol intake beforehand. The classy glass of wine can wreak havoc on your bladder, irritating the lining and causing you to take a few too many trips to the toilet.
  • Do a bit of prep - Be extra prepared when bringing the heat to the bedroom; protect your bed with washable pads. Discover more incontinence protection products on StressNoMore!
  • Seek professional help – If you find it difficult to manage your urinary incontinence and your sexual life is suffering as a result, it’s time to seek help. See your GP to discuss the issues you’re having; they may refer you to a physiotherapist to help you to strengthen your pelvic floor. If your incontinence is really taking a toll on your relationship, it may be best to consult a therapist.

Learn more about how exercise can improve your pelvic floor in the video below.

How do you keep your pelvic floor strong and supportive? Share your secrets in the comments below and together we will be stronger!

Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner

Reviews for the Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner

5 Stars

Pauline - So Far, So Good!

"I’m 6 weeks into the 3 month course and the results from the Ultra 20 are fab. Everything feels tighter and my stress incontinence is noticeably improved. I’ve had 4 babies, one causing a third degree tear, so I’ve been using super strength Tena Lady but I’m now using super thin ones.

Here’s to using none at all after the next 6 weeks :) Thank you Kegel!

5 Stars

Amanda - Don't Delay, Just Buy It!

"I have been using my Kegel8 Ultra 20 for just over 12 weeks. I can honestly say that my issue was that I was starting to leak - without any warning signs. Suddenly all I saw on TV were adverts with smiling women wearing pads and big knickers. Definitely not for me. Nothing to smile about why do they always look so happy? I bought my Kegel8 Ultra 20 and honestly within weeks my symptoms started to disappear.

12 weeks and all back to normal. It means just putting your feet up for 1 hour day, once you get in the rhythm of doing it it's just like brushing your teeth. I would recommend this product to anyone. I would also strongly suggest calling customer services, tell them your issue and they will make sure you are using the right programs. They are friendly and helpful. Lastly there are other benefits; life in the bedroom is so much better. Another big bonus. It's a one off expense but well worth it. So buy one.


[1] Swenson C, Solway E, Singer D, Kirch M, Kullgren J, Malani P. Urinary incontinence: An inevitable part of aging? University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. November 2018. Available at:

[2] Lee, DM., Tetley, J., Pendleton, N. (2018) Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Health in a Population Sample of Older People. BJU International. 122(2): 300-308.

[3] NHS (2016) Urinary Incontinence [online]. NHS [viewed 05/02/2019]. Available from

[4] Irwin et al. Worldwide Prevalence Estimates of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Overactive Bladder, Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Outlet Obstruction. BJU Int. 2011. Oct; 108(7): 1132-1138.