We’ve not ran a competition for a while and given it’s Easter we’d like to give you a treat!

We’re giving away a set of our most popular Kegel8 Vaginal Cones and 12 Week Pelvic Floor Strengthening Plan. You get 3 cones, of 3 different weights and sizes, a beginners and advanced exercise plan and a whole lotta motivation! Kegel8 Vaginal Cones are unique – they feature an indicator wand which moves when you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, telling you when you are doing your Kegels right or, more importantly, wrong.

If you know you experience the odd leak (or more) or even just know you likely will one day because you don’t do your Kegels as often as you should – Kegel8 Vaginal Cones could be the answer for you. Not only are they a great accessory to motivate you to exercise and keep you focused, they are actually clinically proven to stop those pesky laughter leaks.

Was recommended these by my Physio, they have helped me isolate the correct muscles and made me much more aware of how my muscles work, and more importantly have stopped the leaks. I have not worn a pad for 4 weeks now, which is amazing, but I knew I had to do something because I was having more and more accidents.

Jenny, 4 Children, 43 years.

Want a chance in winning a set of our most popular Kegel8 Vaginal Cones worth £29.99 AND a 12 Week Pelvic Floor Strengthening Plan? It's easy and simple to enter, all you have to do is this:

  1. Like and share our Facebook page
  2. Follow us on Twitter and tweet @kegel8 #HappyEasterHappyPelvicFloor #PelvicFloor #Kegels
  3. Comment on this blog - what are your tips for a strong pelvic floor?

You can do all three, giving three entries and three chances of winning!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

After submitting your entry, make sure that you click on the “I’ve tweeted”, “I’ve commented”, “I’ve visited” button, so your entry is counted.

For example: After tweeting us, copy and paste the URL tweet and then click this button: Capture twitter

Good luck!