How do I Squeeze the Day with my pelvic floor muscle exercises?

How Do I Squeeze the Day with my pelvic floor muscle exercises 

Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. These exercises are particularly beneficial for women who have recently given birth, those with weak pelvic floor muscles, menopause, or bladder and bowel leaks. Squeezing the pelvic floor muscles is a fundamental component of kegel exercises. Here's how you can perform them: 

  • Identify the muscles: Before you can squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, you need to locate them. The pelvic floor muscles are the ones you use to prevent passing wind. 
  • Find a comfortable position: You can perform pelvic floor exercises in various positions, such as lying down, sitting, or standing. Choose a position that is comfortable for you. 
  • Squeeze and lift: Once you've identified the pelvic floor muscles and are in a comfortable position, imagine squeezing and lifting them. Focus on contracting the muscles rather than squeezing your buttocks or abdominal muscles. 
  • Hold the contraction: Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for about 3 to 5 seconds. Make sure to continue breathing normally during this phase. If you're finding it challenging to hold for that long initially, start with shorter durations and gradually increase the time as your muscles get stronger. 
  • Release and relax: After holding the contraction, gently release the muscles and allow them to relax completely for an equal amount of time (3 to 5 seconds). This complete cycle of contraction and relaxation is considered one repetition. 
  • Repeat and increase repetitions: Aim for 10 repetitions in one session initially. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 20 or as recommended by your healthcare professional. 
  • Maintain consistency: Like any exercise, consistency is key. Perform pelvic floor exercises at least three times a day. You can incorporate them into your daily routine by doing a set in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 

Remember, it's essential to perform pelvic floor exercises correctly to achieve the desired benefits. If you're uncertain about the technique or experience persistent pelvic floor issues, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic floor treatment. 


Squeeze the Day Kegels – little and often is the key! 

"Squeeze the day kegels" is a term that refers to incorporating pelvic floor exercises, specifically Kegel exercises, into your daily routine and making them a regular part of your day. The term is a play on words, inspired by the phrase "seize the day" Carpe Diem. 

Performing kegel exercises daily is beneficial for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving their overall function including preventing those embarrassing laughter leaks. Essential for both women and men your love-life will certainly benefit from stronger pelvic floor muscles too. Here's how you can incorporate "squeeze the day kegels" into your routine: 

  • Set reminders: Choose specific times throughout the day to remind yourself to do kegel exercises. It could be when you wake up, clean your teeth, during a break at work, or before going to bed. Use alarms, calendar notifications, or other methods to help you remember. 
  • Start with a routine: Begin with a set number of repetitions, such as 10, and gradually increase over time. Perform kegel exercises consistently, aiming for at least three sessions per day. 
  • Pair kegels with daily activities: Associate kegel exercises with daily activities as a reminder to perform them. For example, you can do a set of kegels while brushing your teeth, waiting at a red light, or during commercial breaks while watching TV. 
  • Create visual cues: Place visual cues in your environment to prompt kegel exercises. For instance, you can place sticky notes with the word "kegels" on your bathroom mirror, computer monitor, or fridge. 
  • Use mobile apps or timers: Several mobile apps are available that provide reminders and guidance for kegel exercises. These apps can help track your progress and provide structured workouts. 
  • Make it a group activity: Encourage friends or family members to join you in performing kegel exercises, that’s women and men. You can set a specific time of the day to do them together or even have friendly challenges to keep each other motivated. 

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to any exercise routine, including kegels. By incorporating "squeeze the day kegels" into your daily routine, you can ensure that you are actively engaging and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles throughout the day. 

If you find that Squeeze the Day kegel exercises aren’t working for you, please book a call with a Kegel8 Adviser to find out more about the Kegel8 Ultra 20 v2. We understand when kegels don’t work because muscles that are particularly weak have little sensation. If you have trouble finding your pelvic floor muscles, and you already have bladder leaks or a prolapse then Kegel8 will help. Using a Kegel8 Ultra 20 will locate and exercise the pelvic floor muscles even if you can’t feel them, calm your sensitive bladder nerves and give you better sensation all in just 12 weeks. 


Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner