From injecting blood into your vaginal wall, to finding a wasp nest to be your vagina’s next victim, women try the most bizarre trends to improve or rejuvenate their vaginas. But just how revolutionary are these trends, and how can you improve your vagina

From injecting blood into your vaginal wall, to finding a wasp nest to be your vagina’s next victim, women try the most bizarre trends to improve or rejuvenate their vaginas. But just how revolutionary are these trends, and how can you improve your vagina with a smaller budget? Read on to find out more.

Blood Injections

Recently, a new injection has become popular that claims to boost orgasms. All sounds well and good – providing you have the hefty £1,000 to pay for it… The injection claims to increase lubrication, clitoris stimulation, improve female climax and can apparently help with stress incontinence.

During this procedure, blood is taken from your arm and then injected into the area below your urethra.

Two treatments are reported to be necessary to begin with, and then the procedure is to be repeated yearly. So, you can either get saving for the rest of your life, or scroll down and find out how Kegel8 can help you.

Vaginal Steaming

Made popular by Gwyneth Paltrow, the act of vaginal steaming is claimed to help detox your vagina. This “detox” involves helping with your digestive problems and providing protection from ulcers and tumours.

What do you have to do? Just take a seat and prepare for a vaginal steam clean! Not for you? Gynaecologists agree – many gynae’s point out that the vagina is self-cleansing, meaning that vaginal steaming is a complete waste of time and money!

Vaginal Steaming Chairs

Putting Wasp Nests Up There

Stopped cringing yet? We’ll give it one more second… Yes. Last year, we saw women being warned against a crazy new trend that suggested wasp nests could tighten and rejuvenate your vagina.

The product, when crushed into a paste, was claimed to heal episiotomy cuts, rejuvenate the uterine wall and clean the vagina. Of course, gynaecologists were straight onto this advising that all the product would do is dry out the vagina – increasing the risk of abrasions during sex and destroying good bacteria.

So How Can I Safely Rejuvenate My Vagina and Have Better Sex?

The pelvic floor is the secret operator of your vagina. Once you have mastered pelvic floor control, you can guarantee that sensation in the bedroom will soar!

To gain pelvic floor control you must practice your pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Manual Kegel Exercises – You can exercise your pelvic floor manually by squeezing and lifting your pelvic floor. To do this, squeeze the muscles from your anus to your vaginal opening and lift them upwards towards your navel. Aim to do 10 slow Kegels and 10 fast Kegels 3 times per day. Learn more about how to do pelvic floor exercises here.
  • Biofeedback – You can exercise your pelvic floor with a resistance tool to improve the quality of your workout. Try the Kegel8 Kegel Cones or the Kegel8 Biofeedback Pelvic Trainer that provide assurance on the value of your Kegel exercise contractions.
  • Electronic Pelvic Toner – An easy and simple, yet effective way of exercising your pelvic floor muscles is through the use of an electronic pelvic toner. The Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner is designed with 20 clinically-approved programmes to improve all aspects of your pelvic floor, from bladder weakness and prolapse, to pelvic pain and better sex.

Work your way to a healthy pelvic floor today with Kegel8!

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner


Reviews for the Kegel8 Ultra 20 Electronic Pelvic Toner

Mel - Very Happy!

"I wish I knew about the Ultra 20 years ago....I was quite loose down there, and I was no longer enjoying sex...since using this 2x per day I have absolutely noticed a difference. My partner and I are really enjoying the benefits. I haven't felt like this in years..very happy..10/10!

Amanda - Don't Delay, Just Buy It!

"I have been using my Ultra 20 for just over 12 weeks. I can honestly say that my issue was that I was starting to leak. Just started without any warning signs. I can say that I just wanted to shut myself away. Suddenly all I saw on TV were adverts with smiling women wearing pads and big knickers. Definitely not for me. Nothing to smile about why do they always look so happy? I bought my Ultra 20 and honestly within weeks my symptoms started to disappear. 12 weeks on all back to normal. It means just putting your feet up for 1 hour day, once you get in the rhythm of doing it it's just like brushing your teeth. I would recommend this product to anyone. I would also strongly suggest calling customer services tell them your issue and they will make sure you are using the right programs. They are friendly and helpful. Lastly there are other benefits life in the bedroom is so much better. Another big bonus. It's a one off expense but well worth it. So buy one.


[1] Dr Jen Gunter (2017) Don't Put Fround Up Wasp Nest in Your Vagina [online]. Dr Jen Gunter [viewed 18/12/2018]. Available from

[2] The Sun (2018) Women are paying £1000 to hae their own blood injected into their vaginas in a bid to boost orgasms [online]. The Sun [viewed 18/12/2018]. Available from

[3] ABC (2017) Chairs for Vaginal Steaming [online]. ABC [viewed 18/12/2018]. Available from