Kegel8 and the menopause received a huge amount of attention yesterday, with mentions across multiple media channels including Radio 4’s Women’s Hour, Glamour Magazine, Hull Daily Mail, BBC Radio Humberside, and even the House of Commons!

World Menopause Day was a very busy day here at Kegel8 HQ!

Kegel8 and the menopause received a huge amount of attention yesterday, with mentions across multiple media channels including Radio 4’s Women’s Hour, Glamour Magazine, Hull Daily Mail, BBC Radio Humberside, and even the House of Commons! With discussions happening in the House of Commons (finally!) and radio segments dedicated to discussing the menopause, here at Kegel8 we’re excited about the strides we’re making when it comes to lifting the lid on the menopause. But there’s still a way to go…

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Radio 4's Women's Hour

The menopause festivities commenced during Radio 4’s Women’s Hour, where host, Tina Daheley, spoke to Hot Flush co-founder, Jo McEwan, about keeping menopause positive.

Jo spoke about the amazing #PositivePause campaign and how Hot Flush are “working with women’s health physios and being supported by Kegel8. [#PositivePause] are telling women that there is an awful lot that you can do out there, communication is absolutely key.

Hull Daily Mail

Kegel8’s Founder and Managing Director, Stephanie Taylor, was featured in the Hull Daily Mail. The article commended Kegel8’s efforts of spreading menopause positivity and removing the taboo that surrounds it in the run up to this year’s World Menopause Day.

BBC Radio Humberside

The Kegel8 Founder was also featured on a special World Menopause Day broadcast on BBC Radio Humberside, where she spoke to host, Lucy Clark, about encouraging women to speak up about menopause and take control of their experience to ensure that they have a positive menopause.

Kegel8 Founder and Managing Director, Stephanie Taylor, spoke to Lucy Clark on BBC Radio Humberside on World Menopause Day

Glamour Magazine

Glamour magazine ran an article that detailed one young woman’s experience of premature menopause. The young woman praised the efforts of the #PositivePause campaign, supported by Kegel8, in breaking taboos and raising awareness of the menopause.

House of Commons

The House of Commons also saw a debate on World Menopause Day. The subject of Menopause was only first raised in the House in July, this year. However, yesterday saw some truly inspiring and thoughtful speeches take place during the proceedings. Notably, the debate was led by MP Martin Whitfield who spoke up about the importance of men’s role in the menopause:

If the menopause had affected men, it perhaps would not be a problem that it is today.

I do ask all men to take up the challenge of discussing the menopause with those people that are close to us.

At Kegel8, we envisage a world where there is no stigma or taboo surrounding the menopause and open and honest discussions can take place to educate ladies on what to expect, what’s normal, and most importantly what you absolutely don’t have to just ‘put up with’ as you transition through your menopausal journey!

From all of us here at Kegel8, we hope you had a happy World Menopause Day!