
  1. Urge Urinary Incontinence

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence defines urge (aka urgency) urinary incontinence as "involuntary urine leakage accompanied or immediately preceded by urgency (a sudden compelling desire to urinate that is difficult to delay)". If you suffer, you will likely not be able to make it to a toilet without leaking a small amount of urine. Your urge to urinate may be triggered by certain things; such as standing after sitting for a long time, or arriving home (latch key urgency).

    Urge incontinence is one of the most common forms of incontinence. A third of adults who suffer from urinary incontinence suffer from both urge and stress incontinence together - it is then called mixed incontinence. The group most vulnerable to developing urge incontinence are men older than 75 years old, with reports suggesting 42% of this group suffer...

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  2. Stress Urinary Incontinence

    As defined by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, stress incontinence is "involuntary urine leakage on effort or exertion or on sneezing or coughing". It is sometimes referred to as exercise induced urine leakage, as it often happens when you exercise. There are certain high impact exercises, such as running, that are more likely to cause you to leak.

    Stress incontinence is the most openly talked about form of incontinence, it is extremely common, effecting 200 million men and women worldwide. As many as 45% of women are reported to suffer from stress incontinence, with the true figure predicted to be much higher. Women are more likely to develop it after pregnancy and childbirth, and studies suggest your vulnerability increases considerably when you are over 30 years old, however, even young girls and men of all ages can...

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  3. Overflow Urinary Incontinence

    Overflow incontinence is when you are unable to fully empty your bladder, leaving you with a feeling of a full bladder even after you use the toilet. As your bladder is never fully empty, you more frequently 'top it up' and need to urinate. When you do urinate, your stream is weak and slow and may continue to dribble for a while after you feel finished. Sometimes you will not feel the sensation of your bladder being full, meaning you often leak and can even wet the bed at night.

    Men are more likely to suffer from overflow incontinence than women, with the most common causes relating to prostate problems.

    If you postpone treatment for your overflow incontinence, you can suffer from kidney damage (resulting in more urine being produced), bladder stones (created from the chemicals in your urine), and recurring urinary tract infections (if your bladder is consistently full of urine, you are at risk of bacteria causing recurring urinary tract infections.) ...

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  4. Overactive Bladder (OAB)

    An overactive bladder (OAB) is the sensation to urgently need to empty your bladder, and often occurs with urge and frequency incontinence, and nocturia. An OAB does not always lead to incontinence however, and in this circumstance it is known as OAB dry rather than OAB wet. OAB dry is diagnosed where you have the frequent urge to empty your bladder, but have the control to make it to a bathroom before leaking.

    Suffering from an OAB always has a negative effect on quality of life, with 10-20% of adult men and women suffering and older individuals suffering from more extreme symptoms.

    There are many treatments available to improve the health of the bladder and, as a result, the quality of life of those suffering. Therefore its important that you do not consider...

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  5. Nocturnal Enuresis (Adult Bedwetting)

    Bedwetting is often a term that is associated with infants and young children, however a grown adult can also suffer from bedwetting! Read on to learn about what causes adult bedwetting and how to cure it.

    What is Nocturnal Enuresis?

    'Nocturnal Enuresis' is the medical term for bedwetting. This involves the involuntary release of urination at night. Throughout adult life, 1 in 100 people may be affected by nocturnal enuresis. This can lead to an array of social and psychological problems. You may not feel that you can attend social opportunities, such as business meetings and holidays, therefore compromising your lifestyle quality. It can also cause you stress and affect your self-esteem, possibly negatively impacting on relationships.

    What are the Types of Nocturnal Enuresis?

    There are two types of nocturnal enuresis:

    • Primary Nocturnal Enuresis - The involuntary release of urine during the...
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  6. What is nocturia?

    Nocturia is excessive night time urination, needing to get up in the night to empty your bladder two or more times. It occurs due to the overproduction of urine in the kidneys. 80% of reported nocturia cases are as a result of nocturnal polyuria, the overproduction of urine at night but normal production during the day. The other 20% are a result of global polyuria, the overproduction of urine all the time.

    Nocturia affects up to 40% of the adult population, affecting more people with age. It can often be treated, or reduced, with a few lifestyle changes alone.

    If you suffer from nocturia you may think that the biggest issue is the lack of undisturbed sleep and potential for stubbing your toe in the dark. However if you suffer from nocturia you are at a risk of:

    • Obesity
    • Low mood and depression
    • Daytime fatigue - Exhaustion leads you to being more inefficient at everything...
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  7. Mixed Urinary Incontinence

    Mixed urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary and urgent leakage of urine as a result of exertion; such as sneezing, exercising and coughing. It is a combination of both stress UI and urge UI, and as such is considered to have a greater impact on quality of life than each of them separately, with 32% of sufferers aged 40-64 reporting symptoms of depression.

    There are many treatments available for mixed incontinence, with both those for stress UI and urge UI benefiting you. So there is no reason to allow your incontinence to go untreated for longer than needed. Even though it is not life threatening, it can greatly reduce your quality of life as it develops into fully emptying your bladder each time it is put under pressure.

    Symptoms of Mixed Urinary Incontinence...

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  8. Giggle Urinary Incontinence

    Giggle incontinence (also known as laughter leaks) is the sudden and involuntary leak or complete emptying of the bladder, provoked by laughter. It is one of the least studied forms of urinary incontinence, and is associated with otherwise normal bladder function.

    Giggle incontinence is commonly associated with children that have not yet learnt to control their bladder. However it can affect men and women of all ages.

    Symptoms of Giggle Urinary Incontinence

    You may be suffering from giggle incontinence if you leak, or completely empty your bladder when you laugh.

    It is often mistaken as a symptom of stress incontinence. It should not be considered as such, however, as it will not occur when you cough or sneeze.

    Causes of Giggle Urinary Incontinence

    You will experience giggle incontinence if you are unable...

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  9. Functional Urinary Incontinence

    Functional incontinence occurs where your bladder and urinary tract are functioning properly, however due to age, illness or disability you are unable or unconcerned about making your way to the bathroom to empty your bladder. As a result, you often have a full bladder and leak. The term functional incontinence can also refer to urinary leaks as a result of medication which cause you to produce more urine than normal (diuretics) or lose the urge to urinate.

    The impact on quality of life can be widespread, effecting carers, family and friends as well as the individual suffering. An estimated 3 million people suffer from functional incontinence in the UK. With the majority unable to go to the toilet independently.

    If you or someone you know are affected by functional urinary incontinence, the National Institute...

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  10. Coital Urinary Incontinence

    Coital incontinence is when you leak a small amount of urine, or fully empty your bladder, during sexual intercourse or masturbation. In women it is often misinterpreted as female ejaculation when in small amounts. Coital incontinence is likely to occur if you are sexually active and suffer from another form of urinary incontinence. You can be left feeling unclean and no longer desirable. As such, studies suggest coital incontinence has the biggest impact on quality of life, more so than any other form of incontinence.

    If you are suffering, take reassurance that you are not alone, approximately 20% of women under 60 report suffering from coital incontinence. With true figures expected to be higher. Men can also suffer from coital incontinence, whether they themselves are incontinent or their partner suffers.

    There are many treatments available to resolve urinary incontinence. We have listed the specific ways you can reduce the amount you leak during sex below...

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  11. Types of Urinary Incontinence

    The bladder sits in the pelvis, supported by the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding ligaments, holding it in a naturally elevated position. The bladder constantly fills with urine, and can hold 1.5 - 2 cups before giving you the urge to urinate. The muscles around the bladder remain relaxed until you are able to reach a toilet, at which point they contract in coordination with the relaxation of your urethral sphincters (which are otherwise unconsciously contracted) to allow urine to flow out of your body in a steady stream.

    Urinary incontinence (UI) can occur for a huge number of reasons, including; if your kidneys produce more urine than normal; your urethra is blocked; your bladder or urethra experience nerve damage; you are psychologically unable to urinate when you feel the urge; urine is constantly present in the urethra stimulating the urge to go; or you have inadvertently trained yourself to empty your bladder when it is not yet full.

    A GP will diagnose the type...

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