
  1. How to Prevent a Vaginal Prolapse

    How to prevent a vaginal prolapse

    Far more commonplace than you might think, a vaginal or/ pelvic organ prolapse is when a pelvic organ slips down into the vaginal space, bulging uncomfortably (and often painfully) into the vagina.

    Developed prolapses can eventually protrude outside of the vagina, taking the vaginal walls with it. And in each case, the prolapse has occurred because the pelvic floor muscles have been weakened and can no longer do their job of holding everything in place.

    There are many reasons why your pelvic floor muscles can weaken. It could be as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, being overweight or obese, the menopause, heavy lifting, persistent coughing, or performing regular high high-intensity exercise, and you should be on the lookout for prolapse symptoms early so you can catch a prolapse before it gets worse.

    It goes without saying that vaginal prolapses are uncomfortable and painful, not to mention embarrassing. They...

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  2. Exercises to prevent prolapse

    Exercises to prevent a prolapse

    The pelvic floor is a group of thick, strong muscles and ligaments that sit at the bottom of the pelvic area. Their job is to hold all of the pelvic organs in place, by acting as a muscular hammock. However, like all muscles in the body, if you don’t exercise them, then you lose them. If the pelvic floor muscles become weak and loosen, then they can no longer do their job as effectively. A weak pelvic floor is the leading cause of pelvic organ prolapses.

    The pelvic floor, or Kegel exercises are designed to keep the pelvic floor muscles strong. They’re the best defence both against a pelvic organ prolapse, or if you already have one, preventing it from getting any worse and strengthening the muscles to bring the organ back into position. Even if a pelvic organ prolapse is so severe that it requires surgery, daily Kegel...

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  3. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Prevention

    Pelvic organ prolapses result from the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. If these muscles aren't maintained, the pelvic organs can begin to drop out of place causing discomfort and potentially life altering symptoms.

    Here are the key changes you can make to prevent a pelvic organ prolapse from happening to you:

    • Maintain a healthy weight - The National Institute for Heath and Care Excellence (NICE) recommend keeping your BMI under 30.
    • Treat chronic coughs - Coughing puts extra pressure on your pelvic floor. Avoid the causes of persistent coughs such as smoking.
    • Treat constipation - Both constipation and straining put unnecessary pressure on your pelvic floor. Eat a high fibre diet and lots of water to keep regular. You can also use a toilet stool...
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