
  1. What Is a Vaginal Prolapse Repair Surgery?

    Surgical treatments are reserved for patients who have been unable to relieve the symptoms of their severe prolapse(s) through other means, and as a result their quality of life has significantly dropped. If non-surgical treatments have been unable to give you the relief you need, or you are looking for a quicker resolution from your prolapse and unable to make the commitment to non-surgical lifestyle treatments, then your doctor may discuss surgery with you.

    There are several different vaginal repair surgical procedures available which aim to restore normal pelvic functions. Which one your doctor recommends will depend on the type of pelvic organ prolapse you’re experiencing, your health and your lifestyle. Multiple procedures can be completed at once, to repair all prolapses you are experiencing during one operation.

    To learn more about pelvic organ prolapses and how they...

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  2. Treating a Prolapse Without Surgery

    1 in 10 women will have had surgery for a prolapse by the time they are 80. So, despite it not being talked about much, pelvic organ prolapses are very common.

    Some prolapse diagnoses come as a complete surprise. You may be diagnosed following a routine examination such as a smear test, and not have experienced any symptoms or pelvic discomfort. Or you may have not recognised the symptoms you were feeling as being a result of a prolapse. Such as a dragging sensation in your vagina, or issues with fully emptying your bladder or bowel.

    If you have been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse, you will be wondering what to do next. Surgery is obviously the last resort, but hopefully it won’t get to that stage. Below you will find tips on how to fix a prolapse without surgery:

    Prolapsed uterus treatment at home

    • Do nothing as a prolapse is not life...
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  3. Rectal Prolapse Repair

    What is a Rectal Prolapse Repair Surgery?

    A rectal prolapse can affect men, women and children. It can occur as a result of weak pelvic floor muscles, allowing the rectum to drop downwards until it can eventually protrude inside out from the anus. The pelvic floor muscles can weaken as a result of many things, including excess body weight, straining due to constipation, or childbirth.

    The surgical treatment of a rectal prolapse is similar to that of a pelvic organ prolapse with one significant difference – your surgeon can gain access to the prolapse via the anus / perineum, rather than the vagina.

    Is Surgery Right For You?

    Although embarrassing, it is important that you seek treatment for your rectal prolapse as early as possible. To avoid it worsening, permanently protruding and causing irreparable nerve damage.

    Surgery is usually reserved for...

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  4. Prolapsed Bladder Surgery

    What Is a Prolapsed Bladder Surgery?

    A prolapsed bladder (cystocele) is a common condition where the bladder droops or drops from its position as it is no longer supported by the pelvic floor muscles. As the organ prolapses it begins to push into the front wall of the vagina, causing a noticeable and often painful bulge. To read more about bladder prolapses, visit the Types of Prolapse page.

    Surgery is usually the last resort to attempt to resolve a bladder prolapse. Reserved for those that have been unable to relieve their symptoms and reduce the prolapse sufficiently through non-surgical treatments.

    If you require surgery for a prolapse, then your surgeon will talk you through the process and your options. As with any medical procedure, it’s a good idea...

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  5. What Are Vaginal Pessaries?

    A vaginal pessary is a removable device, usually made from body-friendly silicone, latex, vinyl or rubber. It is designed to be worn comfortably inside the vagina to add support where the pelvic floor muscles have become so weak that one or more pelvic organs have prolapsed, or are in danger of prolapsing. It acts as a brace, offering structural support for the pelvic organs. They are often favoured as a long term solution for pelvic organ prolapses, where surgery is not suitable and/or future children are wanted. They can also be used as a temporary measure before a prolapse repair surgery to relieve symptoms, and are often so successful that surgery is no longer desired.

    If you think you might be experiencing a pelvic organ prolapse, as with all medical conditions it is important that you talk to your doctor as early as possible.


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  6. Bowel Prolapse Surgery Recovery

    Recovering from Enterocele (Small Bowel) Prolapse Surgery: Beverley's Story

    The story that follows was written by Beverley Dale in 2010, but it’s just as relevant now as it was then. After struggling to treat her heavy periods, she was reluctant to seek treatment for her enterocele (small bowel) prolapse. But after speaking to her doctor they discovered other pelvic issues, and Beverley decided to undergo surgery in the hope of restoring normal pelvic function.

    Follow Beverley's story and read her top tips for a speedy recovery from prolapse surgery.

    If you believe you are suffering from a pelvic organ prolapse, speak to your GP as soon as possible. Delaying treatment can lead to the prolapse increasing in severity and can cause damage that leaves you at a higher risk of prolapses...

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  7. Prolapse Treatment

    What Treatments are Available for Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

    If you're concerned that you have the symptoms of a pelvic organ prolapse, rest assured that there are a wide variety of treatments available.

    Ranging from lifestyle changes such as incorporating daily Kegel / pelvic floor exercises into your routine, to the fitting of a vaginal pessary or undergoing a targeted surgical procedure. With advice from your doctor or healthcare professional, you'll be able to choose the right treatment for your situation.

    Don't hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions regarding your pelvic floor health - we're here to help you on your journey to recovery.

    In our prolapse treatment series, you can read...

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