1. Pelvic Floor Exercise After Birth

    So, congratulations are in order!  Well that’s the hard part out of the way, right?  Physically maybe, but you have an exciting, yet extremely challenging journey ahead of you.  You’re unlikely to have more than a moment to yourself for around the next twenty years, so when it comes to your pelvic floor, it’s doubtful that you will have given it a second thought.  However, exercising the pelvic floor takes a matter of minutes a day, and when we consider how debilitating pelvic floor dysfunction after childbirth can be; it is certainly worth dedicating a tiny portion of your day to it.  

    The pelvic floor is made up of muscles, ligaments and fibres, which stretch like a tight sling from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tailbone).  These muscles naturally expand during pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby.  Similarly, they are stretched during labour itself as your baby makes its way through the birthing canal.  The pelvic floor can be overstretched...

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  2. Pelvic Floor And Pregnancy

    So you're beginning to think about starting a family or even already patiently awaiting Mr. Stork's life-changing delivery? Well, if only it were that simple! There's no denying that parenthood is a magnificent journey, right from the onset. However, even with rose-tinted glasses on, it could never be described as 'easy'!

    So, how can we help? Well, here at Kegel8 we want to make sure that your body is fully prepped and up to the challenge. So we've developed a new unit to help you through every stage of this incredible adventure.

    Kegel8 Has The Solution:

    • Programmes devised by physiotherapists
    • Locate and exercise pelvic floor muscles
    • Electronically strengthen your pelvic floor in preparation for pregnancy
    • Reduce the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction
    • Provide pain relief during labour
    • Aid effective pelvic floor recovery after...
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  3. Postnatal Exercise and Your Pelvic Floor

    Tackling your post-pregnancy body is often at the top of most women's postnatal to-do lists. However, your body may not agree with the type of exercise that you choose to perform. Your muscles, ligaments, and bone structure are all massively altered by pregnancy, making you increasingly more vulnerable to injury. Your body is affected by post-pregnancy hormones, which increase the laxity of your pelvic floor muscles, making it easier for them to overstretch and strain, possibly leading to the development of a pelvic floor disorder. These hormones also make your joints become hypermobile, increasing your risk of sprains and breaks.

    To learn more about how pregnancy affects your pelvic floor, visit Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor.

    What Exercise Can You Do After Childbirth?

    Generally, you should wait until your 6 week postnatal check up with your midwife before you embark on any exercise activities...

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  4. Pelvic Floor Recovery After Childbirth

    After your pregnancy and childbirth, you may be thinking you need a nap, followed by an intense workout to shift the baby weight. Don't fall into this trap! Your body needs time to recover before you begin intensive exercise, and your pelvic floor is vulnerable to lasting damage if you leave it for too long. Click here to learn more about safe postnatal exercise.

    It's essential that you exercise your pelvic floor muscles after the birth of your child. Not only does this aid the recovery process, but also helps to prevent and treat the development of pelvic floor disorders. Up to 61% of women will develop urinary incontinence during their pregnancy, and a shocking 45% will still have urinary incontinence 7 years post-natally.

    Learn more about the importance of a strong...

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  5. Your Pelvic Floor After Childbirth

    During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles weaken as they adapt for the growth of your baby. They can become over-strained and damaged further during childbirth, leading to pelvic floor disorders such as incontinence and pelvic organ prolapses developing.

    Even if you had a C-section, or an uneventful vaginal childbirth, your pelvic floor will suffer. However, you may find it more comfortable doing your manual Kegels and your nerves may be unaffected.

    Stress Incontinence After Childbirth

    Stress incontinence is common amongst mothers, with 45% still suffering from urinary incontinence 7 years after giving birth. Regardless of its prevalence, it will always be embarrassing when you are unable to prevent urine leaks when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or lift objects. The good news is that it is easily reversible.

    Ensure you perform...

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  6. TENS Pain Relief in Labour

    It's no news that childbirth is painful - its called labour for a reason. No matter how much you prepare, it's something that you won't have full control over. However, you are able to choose methods that can minimise and control labour pain.

    Many mum-to-be's understandably opt for a natural, drug-free form of pain relief during labour, as the thought of being injected with a series of drugs can be quite off-putting. Drugs, especially epidurals, can sometimes result in a prolonged second stage of labour, and increase the risk of having an instrumental delivery (with forceps or ventouse). Other drugs can also make it difficult to push, and if they are administered too close to birth, they can affect the baby's breathing.

    Even if you choose to use medical pain relief, unforeseen circumstances may make it not possible, so it's best to have an alternative and know what...

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  7. Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor For Pregnancy

    Approximately 10% of women between 20 and 39 suffer from at least one pelvic floor disorder. By keeping the pelvic floor strong, Kegel exercises help prevent pelvic floor disorders occurring and existing conditions from worsening throughout your pregnancy.

    Why Do You Need To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Before and During Pregnancy?

    Your pelvic floor is made up of muscles, ligaments, and tissues, that stretch from the base of your spine to your pubic bone. It's main role within the body is to support the function of your bladder, bowel, and uterus. This is made more difficult during pregnancy as the muscles are under extra stress from the weight of your growing baby. During pregnancy, the muscles can become exhausted and weaken, which can lead to a pelvic floor disorder.

    Pelvic floor muscles are also important for:

    • Sexual function - In women, the squeezing of the pelvic floor muscles is responsible for sexual...
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  8. Safe Pelvic Floor Exercises During Pregnancy

    Exercising your pelvic floor before and during pregnancy should be a top priority for expectant mothers. However, it's no surprise if you approach the intimate exercise with caution. Firstly, it's important to know which muscles you should be exercising. If you are unsure on how to locate your pelvic floor muscles, head over to our How To Find Your Pelvic Floor Muscles page.

    Besides being good for you and your baby, working out during pregnancy can leave you feeling more energised. Read on to learn about the different exercises you should be doing throughout the course of your pregnancy.

    How Do You Exercise Your Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy?

    Kegels (otherwise known as pelvic floor exercises) are the leading prevention and treatment for all pelvic floor disorders. Despite their popularity, a Kegel8 study revealed that 50% of women...

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  9. How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor for Pregnancy

    Deciding that you are ready to have a baby is a big step for you both mentally and physically, and getting your body ready for the event should be your top priority. The muscles of the pelvic floor work tirelessly during pregnancy; supporting the weight of your growing uterus, maintaining your posture, and gently rotating your baby into the correct birth position.

    How Will Pregnancy Affect Your Pelvic Floor?

    Your pelvic floor is pushed to its limits during pregnancy and becomes weakened as a result. It's not uncommon to feel discomfort as the muscles are extremely vulnerable due to the extra pressure placed on your abdomen. If you are not prepared and your pelvic floor muscles are weak, you are likely to become one of the many women that suffer from pelvic floor disorders during and after pregnancy. Conditions include:

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  10. Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor

    Experiencing pregnancy is one of the most challenging and rewarding processes to go through as a woman. With all the changes that you experience both emotionally and physically, it's no surprise that your pelvic floor is not exempt! In fact, the pelvic floor muscles help to rotate your baby's head into the correct birthing position, whilst also supporting the weight of the growing uterus.


    1. Preparing for Pregnancy
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  11. The Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy and Following Childbirth

    "You're having a baby, it's too late for your pelvic floor!"

    "Expect to leak when you laugh, its inevitable!"

    Don't believe what you hear! It is common to develop a Pelvic Floor Disorder (PFD) after having children, but the damage caused to your pelvic floor by pregnancy and childbirth can be minimised and often reversed. You don't have to accept urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders as part of becoming a mother.

    Even if you had your last child many years ago, there are steps you can take to reverse the pelvic issues you may have developed. They may indeed only become present several weeks or even months, after your child is born.

    What Happens to Your Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy?

    As your baby grows, its weight is added to your pelvic floor, along with any extra weight you gain. Add that to the effects of the hormonal changes that you will experience, and you will likely become aware that your...

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  12. The Pelvic Floor After a Hysterectomy

    A total hysterectomy is the irreversible removal of the uterus (womb) and cervix through surgery. It is carried out to treat a variety of female reproductive issues, such as:

    • Unbearable pelvic pain
    • Otherwise untreatable heavy periods (menorrhagia)
    • Fibroids - benign (non-cancerous) tumours
    • Gynecologic cancer - of the female reproductive organs including the ovaries, uterus and cervix
    • Endometriosis - a painful condition where...
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