1. Male Electronic Pelvic Floor Toner

    If your pelvic floor muscles are very weak, it can sometimes be impossible to perform manual pelvic floor exercises. Male pelvic floor exercises can be made easy through the use of an electronic male pelvic toner. The electrical stimulation produced from the device can enhance the effect of pelvic floor muscle training, allowing your pelvic floor to grow stronger, quicker.

    To learn about manual pelvic floor exercises for men, visit our page.

    What is a Male Electronic Pelvic Floor Toner and How Does it Work?

    If you are exercising your pelvic floor manually and correctly, you are still only able to properly improve the strength...

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  2. How to Treat Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions

    Pelvic floor exercises are often associated with women who are tightening up their pelvic floor after childbirth. However, they can also help with a wide range of men's health issues as the pelvic floor is essential for the control of your bladder and bowel, as well as having a role in erectile function during intercourse.

    Performing Kegel exercises on a daily basis can help your pelvic floor in a number of ways. Kegels help to maintain strong and healthy sexual function. They can help you to gain stronger, healthier and better erections through toned pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor exercises can help to tackle incontinence, treat erectile dysfunction, and help with premature ejaculation.

    To find out more about male pelvic floor problems, visit our page.

    How Are Male Pelvic Floor Disorders Treated?

    The development of a pelvic floor disorder can impact you both emotionally and physically. Strengthening...

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  3. Prostate Conditions

    Despite its hard work, the pelvic region is home to some of the most common issues that men can develop.

    Prostate cancer is the most common form of male cancer in the UK. Usually developing slowly so you are not aware for the first few years of its growth.

    As you age your risk of developing benign prostate enlargement (BPE) increases. Men over 50 have a 50% chance of developing BPE, and 2 million men are currently receiving treatment for it.

    The prostate can also cause a common problem called prostatitis, affecting men of all ages. Your prostate will painful swell which can cause issues of urinary incontinence.

    What Is The Prostate?

    The prostate is a small gland located in the pelvis between the penis and the bladder. It surrounds the urethra and can put pressure on it if prostate problems develop. Around...

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  4. Male Incontinence

    Incontinence is a condition that mainly affects women due to effects of childbirth and the menopause on the pelvic floor. However, it is also a common condition in men. Increasingly so with age, with over 10% of men over the age of 65 suffer with a degree of urinary incontinence. This increases the chance of moving into a care home and your chance of suffering with bowel incontinence as well.

    What is Male Incontinence?

    Incontinence is recognised as the accidental leakage of urine, or faecal matter. It can be an embarrassing condition to suffer with and negatively impact your self-esteem and happiness.

    Male incontinence is a growing problem, with 1 in 4 men suffering from urinary incontinence at some point during their life. The NHS estimates that between 3 and 6 million people in the UK have some degree of urinary incontinence; so if you suffer you are not alone.

    What Causes Male Incontinence...

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  5. Erectile Dysfunction and Erection Difficulty

    Sexual function is an essential and critical part of mental and physical health and wellness for men. Therefore when a problem arises it is often distressing. Male sexual dysfunction has been linked to a reduced quality of life, as well as negative interpersonal relationships. As men grow older, sexual dysfunctions become increasingly prevalent.

    To learn more about problems that affect the male pelvic floor, visit our page.

    What are Erectile Problems?

    Erectile problems are extremely common, particularly in men aged over 40. The two most prominent problems that are associated with erections are:

    • Erectile Dysfunction - The inability to gain and maintain an erection that is rigid enough for sexual intercourse.
    • Premature Ejaculation - Ejaculation that always, or nearly always, occurs...
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  6. Causes and Symptoms of Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions

    As your pelvic floor is hidden away inside your body, it's not always easy to tell if it is healthy and strong. Being aware of the symptoms that suggest weak pelvic muscles will allow you to tackle issues early. Pelvic floor disorders can affect men of any age, so always be wary if you see signs that indicate that your pelvic floor has weakened.

    The most common issues that occur as a result of pelvic floor weakness are:

    What Are The Symptoms of Male...

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  7. What is a Male Pelvic Floor?

    Most men are not aware that they have a pelvic floor. But without it you would be unable to hold urine in your bladder or contract your bowels to prevent wind and faeces escaping, you will be unable to get an erection, and you could suffer from the symptoms of prostatitis. The pelvic floor and its functions within the body are a necessity. They help to keep a variety of pelvic health problems at bay.


    1. Causes and Symptoms of Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions
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  8. What is Tibial Nerve Stimulation?

    Tibial Nerve Stimulation is an effective, less invasive way of stimulating the tibial and sacral nerves to provide relief for pelvic pain and incontinence. Visit our pelvic pain treatment page to learn more about solutions to conditions such as endometriosis, vulvodynia, and UTIs.

    What is the Tibial Nerve?

    The tibial nerve is found in the leg and branches off from the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve runs from your pelvis all the way down into the ankle, and then branches into sensory nerves in the sole of your foot.

    What is the Function of the Tibial Nerve?

    The Tibial Nerve has both motor and...

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  9. What is Sacral Nerve Stimulation?

    Sacral Nerve Stimulation can be a safe and effective way of relieving the pain and discomfort caused by a number of pelvic floor disorders. To learn about the other causes of pelvic pain, click here.

    Where are the Sacral Nerves?

    The sacral plexus is an area located in your pelvis where several spinal nerves come together and then brand out to control most of your lower body. The sacral plexus contains 31 nerves that reach from your lower back to your rectum, bladder, sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.

    The nerves in the sacral plexus split to form sensory and motor nerves that then travel to parts of your pelvis, legs, feet, and genitals. Without these nerves, you would not be able to stand, walk, or control your bladder and bowel movements.

    There are 5 main nerves that emerge from the sacral plexus:...

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  10. Pelvic Surgery for Pelvic Pain Relief

    If a combination of Physiotherapy and medication has been unable to relieve your pelvic pain, you may consider undergoing a pelvic surgery. Unfortunately pelvic surgeries, as with any surgery, have varying degrees of success. As a result they are often reserved for adults that suffer from chronic pelvic pain that has been unable to be treated through medication, and are finished having children. This is because it may not be possible to conceive following a pelvic surgery, and the benefits of any pelvic surgery are mostly lost in women following pregnancy and childbirth.

    In this article we look at the types of most common pelvic surgeries, how to prepare for your pelvic surgery, how to improve your recovery, and potential complications. All procedures discussed may differ from the exact procedure you are offered, as your surgeon will design your procedure to specifically suit your needs.

    The purpose of this article is to inform you of your options. You should always...

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  11. Muscle Relaxation and Pain Relief

    In this guide we explain how to complete exercises to help with pelvic floor muscle relaxation and pain relief.

    Suffering from chronic pelvic pain can cause your pelvic floor muscles to spasm. The muscles can become tight and uncomfortable and worsen your symptoms. A tight pelvic floor can even become an issue in itself. When the muscles spasm they stop functioning correctly, the symptoms of this can be similar to that of a weak pelvic floor. You may be unable to control your bladder and bowels. If you misunderstand this to be a result of a weak pelvic floor you can cause further pain by attempting traditional Kegel exercises. Therefore it is essential that a correct diagnosis of your pelvic floor condition is obtained before proceeding.

    The following exercises can be supported by a Women's Health Physiotherapist to advise on how to make them most effective for you. They will also ensure you are disciplined and committed to the exercises, as consistency is the...

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  12. Medication for Pelvic Pain Relief

    Women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain take 3 times the medication than women who do not suffer. Medication is often central to coping and recovering from pain. The aim being to improve the sufferers quality of life by improving their behaviour and mobility, as well as the pain itself.

    A recent analysis of pelvic pain treatments promoted the use of the following medications to treat chronic pelvic pain. The lowest effective dose of any medication will be provided by your GP, and its prescription will stop if there is no improvement in the condition or another drug with fewer negative side effects is available. This will be accessed regularly with your doctor, to prevent ineffective drug use.

    Always check that each drug you are taking is compatible...

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