Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner

Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 Electronic Pelvic Toner

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  • Automatically activates weak pelvic floor muscles and calms bladder nerves using e-stim for clinically proven results. Locates and exercises kegel muscles even if you can't, restoring strength and control in weeks.
  • Strengthen & rehabilitate with the UK's best selling pelvic exerciser, 20 clinically approved pelvic floor exercise programmes - the most comprehensive pelvic exercise system, made here in the UK.
  • Patented 'Smile' screen ensures you see AND feel when your pelvic floor muscles are exercising to help re-educate your brain to control your bladder again to stop leaks.
  • 9 Condition Plans inc Prolapse, Intimacy, Leaks, Pelvic Pain, New Mums, Post surgery, Menopause to treat pelvic problems in just 12 weeks devised by top Pelvic Physio Amanda Savage means you get the best results for your condition
  • Class 2a Medical device which is also available VAT free.

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Kegel8 is the No1 best seller

12 week exercise plans for:

Stronger Pelvic Floor Muscles


Better sexual sensation


Pelvic organ prolapse


Leaks & sensitive bladders


Menopausal & perimenopausal pelvic floor


What our customers say about the Ultra 20 v2

Having had two repairs each for prolapsed bladder and bowel, the last two just over a year ago, I was devastated to find I had another small bladder prolapse. Surgeon has suggested further surgery. I had previously purchased a similar product to Kegel 8 some years ago and felt it didn't make any difference, although I did use regularly. Took the plunge and bought the ultra plus a couple of weeks ago. Within days of using I can feel the difference. No longer do I have vaginal noise and a feeling of fullness and dragging. Better still I no longer have to use pads "just in case". I have been referred to a continence nurse in preparation for surgery to ensure that I know how to do my pelvic floor exercises. I have deferred the appointment, because I have confidence that if used regularly the ultra plus will work. My husband has already commented that there is a marked difference - if it can do that in two weeks then I am looking forward to the three month results!! ...


I was nervous about two things: spending a lot of money on something I'd only seen on the internet, not heard of from a 'real' person - and also nervous about using something internally as I freak out during smear tests as they are so painful - I get vaginismus (also during sexual intercourse). Nevertheless I went ahead because I saw my middle age incontinence just getting worse and worse. I'm so delighted with this product - I use it twice daily on programme 3 for urge incontinence and can relax and listen to my favourite radio programmes whilst using it. I get to my front door, get the key in the door and can just about hold it in now without leaking only after two weeks of use at 30 to 40 MA. I long for the day when I may be able to do without pads and if things keep improving at the same rate I believe this day will come. At first I found the sensation rather strange but I've come to associate such positive results that I now enjoy using the machine.


I wonder why I took so long for me to do something about the problem I had with leaking. It had got to the stage that even going downstairs I would leak and when the lift at work broke I was goind down 3 flights of stairs and I could feel the leaks onvirtually every one. My sex life was non existant - we'll the occasional fumble, but I hadnt had an orgasm through sex for ages. I did some background research and my sister in law sore by her kegel8 so much so that I decided to try it. I havent got a prolapse like she has thankfully, but I know that something was not right. She wouldnt let me borrow hers (I would have bought a new probe) but I can understand that, she said it was such a lifeline that she didn't want to be without it (she has a stage 2 cystercele I think its called). I am 4 weeks into using this and I haven't leaked at all today so I want to dispense with the fuc**ng horribly panty pads that I had come to rely on over the last few years. I am almost ashamed ...


It is early days but I am extremely positive that I will continue to see results as I feel a slight improvement already. I am 64, I don't suffer from a weak bladder, I have not been to the doctor but I do feel a bulge and can only think this would get worse as time goes on. The bulge makes me feel down and I can't function properly as it is constantly on my mind. I have been doing exercises for the past 6 months but wish I had bought the Kegel8 Ultra 20 sooner.


I knew I needed something to tighten me up, but I hadn't realised that there was something like this available! Quite honestly it is amazing, Hubby thinks it is wonderful and when I had a 2 week break recently he noticed straight away, it is that effective! Yes you do have to use it regularly, but for someone like me who goes to the gym, walks the dog, it just becomes part of my routine. I now use it 2/3 times a week. I don't have any leaks or mishaps, and my love-life is better than it has been for a decade. I tell all my friends, some have bought, some are embarrassed that I am talking so candidly about my problem/solution. These should be available on the NHS, simple as that! My sister bought one, she has a prolapse and is facing surgery, but she hopes with regular use she can stop it getting worse and hopefully avoid the knife! Can I also say that for the first time in my life I can have multiple orgasms – now if that’s not a healthy “side effect” I don’t know what is!...

Jodie B

How it works

  • Week 1

    With your sessions your toner will help you find your pelvic floor muscles

  • Week 4

    You'll start to feel a real difference. More control, less leaks, more confidence

  • Week 12

    Your pelvic floor is strong and you're living life without leaks and sudden urges!

  • Customer Reviews

    Product Rating
    star star star star star
    Resolved years of leaking
    Review by Green Fanta
    Fed up with years of leaking after childbirth. Things were especially bad when I had a cough. Finally decided to try this after reading an article about the French being offered this type of treatment as standard by their health services. I’m so cross with myself that I did not get this years ago. Lockdown in 2020 meant I could use it everyday and did for 3 months. It almost completely resolved my leaking urethra. I still have to do regular maintenance at least once a week otherwise I start to leak again. I certainly recommend to any lady having to wear fat pads every day. I only need the thin ones now
    Product Rating
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    I have literally sat on ...
    Review by Mrsshaz
    I have literally sat on loo and stopped my wee mid stream . First time in seems a lifetime . How long have I used this. Three days !!! I'll give another review in 6 weeks . Thank-you thank-you thank-you
    Product Rating
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    I have a mild bladder ...
    Review by Poppy
    I have a mild bladder prolapse, I have been using the Kegel8 for about 3 weeks and have noticed I can pee easier after using it, I spoke to my GP and told her I was using it and she knew all about it, I might need surgery but I will continue to use it afterwards.
    Product Rating
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    This review is maybe graphic ...
    Review by Kelly1981
    This review is maybe graphic but in the hopes to give someone faith that things can change and get better. This is a long review.

    I’m 39, 14 Stone, “5.5” and have enlarged vaginal entrance and rectocele.

    I’ve got a stage 3 posteria (rectal) prolapse which used to only protrude from my vagina when Was due on, unfortunately over the last year that has become every day and the pressure it has put on my scar tissue from my epiostemy was becoming debilitating, I become depressed and didn’t want to go out anymore. Constipation has been a constant in my life but magnesium helps magnificently, I used to have to push on perinium before to evacuate bowels, not nice when I have a painfully scar,
    I have chronic back and coccyx pain, for 12 years, I’ve been told I have a tight and weak pelvic floor. I tried manual PF exercises but it made my vagina hurt, burn and throb, not nice.

    I used to think all the discomfort down there was my scar, for six years I put up with a horrible pressure down there which did improve depending on my cycle. Then one day I looked at my lady bits in the mirror and was devastated at what I saw, a large pink protruding bulge sticking out, I was mortified and from that moment sex was off the table. I felt deformed down there and frightened, my GP said there was nothing to worry about, but 2 years later my gynaecologist confirmed stage 3 prolapse and I’ve been referred to an urigynaecologist to do scans etc. All could have been prevented if I was informed sooner of how important pelvic floor exercises were, I naively believed if I wasn’t peeing when jumping etc then all was good, how wrong I was.

    I found this device and thought initially it was one of those gimmics that don’t work, like those you could buy in the 90s to tone the stomach which didn’t work, but I didn’t have many options and so I bought it, I only have the gold pessary which comes with it.
    I’ve been using it twice a day, 3 days program 15, followed by 2 days of program 3.

    This is my review,
    First off, insert the device at least 2 inches inside your vagina, don’t have it to near the vulva like I did at first, I suffered a burning sensation and ache, I used canisten to numb the area.
    The programme was too severe for me, my already tight PF was getting a beating and I had to create a different plan forward, one which strengthens my PF but also relaxes it. So I started to do program 20 after each P15/P3, but no change, the burning sensation remained,
    Then I decided to stop doing two strengthening exercises in one day, at least until my PF relaxed.
    This was when everything changed, I hope this helps someone.
    My regime is the hour long circulation program in the morning followed by P15 in the evening for 3 days, then:
    The hour circulation program and two evenings of P3 or the PF program.
    Then a day of 2x circulation or relaxation programs.
    And repeat.

    This has prevented the pain I get from a tight PF all day long, and surprising to me, cause my prolapse to move upwards. I can feel my vagina is more strengthened and the large vagina entrance is already reduced, I feel tight again!!!

    This was after 4 weeks. I did try doing the hour long circulation program followed by P15 but it was too much, think I actually burnt my skin as when I went to pee it burned, so don’t do that! Just one program at a time.

    I never believed I would get such results so soon and I can’t wait to see what week 8 brings, I may now be able to avoid surgery, which I don’t want at 39 years of age unless absolutely necessary.

    My advice to anyone, listen to your vagina, she will tell you what is too much, keep a diary of what program, what number and how you felt in the day/evening. Customise your own program,
    A tight pelvic floor isn’t pleasant, feels like thrush but without the itching. Don’t ignore this, if you keep doing PF strengthening exercises you could make your prolapse worse, if it takes longer so be it, it’s better to get it right then risk worsening your already painful or uncomfortable feelings down there.

    Have faith, and keep believing it can and will improve. I also see a Traditional Chinese medicine dr, she says she may also be able to help, she wants to see my letter from gynaecologist.
    Product Rating
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    Really works.
    Review by Kitty
    Really works. I was so sceptical about kegel8 and scared about spending so much money (for me) on the ultra toner 20. I have MS and have four children including twins and my symptoms of multiple prolapses were starting to interfere a lot with everyday life. I care for my disabled child and so I had tried to do ‘normal’ kegels but they never improved anything, I think perhaps because life always took over and I just was never able to concentrate on doing them regularly enough to make any difference. Over the last couple of years things had gotten worse and worse. I have been using the machine twice a day as advised for just four weeks and by week three I could feel a dramatic difference. Some of my symptoms have completely gone and others already feel dramatically improved. Everything is lifted and feels so much tighter and stronger inside already and I am not even half way through the time they advise to wait for improvement. I can just wear the machine walking around the house doing the things I need to do without concentrating on it or stopping what I am doing and so it is very easy to fit it into my life meaning for four weeks I haven’t missed a session. The machine is easily hidden clipped onto a pair of jeans and covered with a loose top or cardigan so no-one would notice. I am so so glad that I took the risk and invested the money in this company’s product. £160 per device should surely be a saving for the NHS compared to appointments with GPs, specialist assessments at hospitals and eventually surgery and I can’t understand why they haven’t snapped this up or why they aren’t being given to women after childbirth or when they start suffering problems given it seems to work so effectively.
    Product Rating
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    Hi I’ve just bought kegel ...
    Review by Zsmf13
    Hi I’ve just bought kegel 8 for pro laps bladder but I’m not sure if I should be working or resting as I have a heavy lifting job could anyone please advise?
    Product Rating
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    Only used twice so this ...
    Review by Jojoannie
    Only used twice so this is an initial review and i can make another review on week 12. Having had the femiwand HIFU 2 years ago this worked to tighten the vaginal wall but is expensive and does need to be topped up yearly. Decided to try this machine as more convenient and offers more variety and targeted areas. Initial impression is great all seems to work as stated. Not sure from instruction manual if there is a limit on ma for the vaginal probe on all programs or just the po8 one.
    Product Rating
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    I purchased this Kegel8 Ultra because of prolapse symptoms and to tighten up!
    Review by Caltee22
    I purchased this Kegel8 Ultra in November 2020. I have had it for 6 months and wanted to wait a while before writing a review. Kegel8 asked me to review it around 4 weeks after purchased, but I wanted to give it more time to give a more honest and 'real' review.

    I traded in my older 'tight & tone Kegel8' for this one as I felt my prolapse symptoms getting worse (to be honest, I hadn't used my tight & tone machine for a while!). I received a trade in discount of £50 towards the ultra machine.

    I felt like I was sitting on an egg or a hard ball and I was having trouble keeping tampons in, so needed to do something about it and quick. I saw my GP who diagnosed the prolapse and said I would probably need surgery as it was a grade 2-3. I didn't want to go down the surgery route, so purchased this.

    I could tell this was a better machine as soon as I started using it. After 2 months my symptoms and my prolapse really, really improved. The difference was really noticeable. I no longer feel that 'dragging' feeling but it is still there and it hasn't cured it totally. I am still using it though. I use programme 3 and 15 as per the instructions for the prolapse.

    I also have a bit of stress and urge incontinence (mixed) so have been using these programmes too . I haven't seen much improvement in the incontinence areas, but haven't really been out as much socially due to the pandemic, so not been worried about 'finding the next toilet' etc.

    I would like things a little tighter down there too and I haven't noticed any difference - but think hubby has!!

    It needs consistent use for it to work. I could have given up, but after 2 months of twice daily use, my prolapse has definitely improved and that was the main thing I purchased this item for, so please, please continue with it - even when you think it isn't making a difference - all of a sudden you will feel the difference.

    I am so pleased I purchased this.....I am sat using it as I type this review! :-)
    Product Rating
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    Good but I do have ...
    Review by Kat
    Good but I do have a niggle. The probe feels like it was designed by a man. You have to insert it with your fingers. For me to get it into the right place I have to push it as far as I can. Until it’s just my finger tip touching it. Getting it out requires pulling on the wire, which worries me that it will eventually break it. It doesn’t feel that it was designed by someone who had inserted it into themselves. Why do we have to use our finger and then have to wash our hands? Even tampons have applicators. It could have been designed with a plastic tail that could be used to insert and extract. That would have made it much more user friendly. And easier to get into the right place.

    Buyer: Don’t let this put you off buying the Kegel as it seems to work.

    Kegel: However please Kegel, can you add to the probe to make it easier to insert and extract? Thank you.
    Product Rating
    star star star star star
    Prompt Delivery
    Review by Julia
    Prompt delivery and clear instructions with the pack.
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    Frequently asked questions

    Can a Kegel8 Ultra 20 fix my prolapse?

    Prolapse is devastating.  The first thing any woman should do is to start doing effective pelvic floor exercises, this is to manage the prolapse, stop it getting worse or dropping down further out of position. E-stim improves the health of the pelvic floor tissues and seems to be effective in counteracting muscle atrophy. Top UK Physio, Amanda Savage has devised a comprehensive 12-week programme for prolapse to build muscle tone to make a thicker support shelf when you are lifting and carrying things.

    What’s the difference between this device and me doing the exercises on my own?

    Lots – 30% of women do their Kegel exercises incorrectly; some push downwards, which, rather than strengthening can lead to further damage. Featuring a patented ‘Kegel smile’ screen, timed programmes and an internal probe which finds and treats the muscles, this e-stim device is a revolution for your pelvic floor. It automatically exercises the right muscles no matter how weak they are, for the correct length of time. Every time.

    I’m just not that technical and yet it feels a bit overwhelming? Is it me?

    For 20 years, Kegel8 has pioneered effective ways to treat pelvic floor problems at home. With 12-week programmes, it’s pre-set and ready to go, automatically exercising the correct muscles for 9 different pelvic floor conditions.  The patented screen shows when your muscles contract and relax (work and rest) helping to re-sync your brain and pelvic floor for proven clinical results.

    It might sound technical – it is a registered medical device, after all.  But technical ability is not needed - all you need to do is use it, and that is EASY!

    My bladder is ruling my life, can this help me.

    Absolutely. Do you also restrict the amount of liquids you drink; wear pads for leaks and have frequent changes of clothes too? 

    So many Kegel8 users will say ‘I wish I had found this sooner!’ They have put up with, in some cases for years - leaks, accidents and embarrassment. Don’t just ‘put up with it’ because 1 in 10 women suffering leaks will go onto have bowel leaks too. Regaining control is so empowering, Kegel8 is with you every step of the way.

    I bought another pelvic device, and it didn’t work, why is this one different?

    We understand, and for 20 years we have taken the guesswork out of home treatment and learned a thing or two. We like to think we do a great job because we offer a no-quibble 90-day Money Back Guarantee. So, if you’re not stronger, we’ve not done our job!

    We also offer a £50 Trade in Service – with £50 off a Kegel8 Ultra 20 v2 – so come to Kegel8 and get strong NOW! 

    I had vaginal mesh surgery - can use Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2?

    Yes! The Kegel8 Ultra 20 V2 can be used if you have vaginal mesh surgery or mesh for prolapse. Even after surgery, pelvic floor muscles will still need to be exercised and strengthened to prevent other pelvic organs from prolapsing. E-stim improves the health of the pelvic floor tissues and seems to be effective in counteracting muscle atrophy and muscle dysfunction. This is a Class 2a medical device made here in the UK. E-stim is clinically proven to work and it automatically locates and exercises the right muscles for the optimum length of time, without over exercising them.
