Gas & Farting Incontinence

Gas and farting incontinence, also known as flatus incontinence or anal gas incontinence, refers to the involuntary release of gas (flatus) from the rectum or anus due to a lack of control over the anal sphincter muscles. This condition can result in the accidental passage of gas without the person being able to control or prevent it. It's similar to urinary or faecal incontinence, but it specifically involves the release of gas.
Gas and farting incontinence can be embarrassing and socially distressing for those who experience it and can be linked to weakened sphincter muscles, nerve damage, weak pelvic floor, constipation, chronic diarrhoea and pelvic floor dysfunction.

  1. Theresa's bowel incontinence was improved with Kegel8, another success story from Kegel8.