Stephanie Taylor

Stephanie Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
Managing Director & Official Pelvic Floor Nerd

Stephanie Taylor founded Kegel8 in 2004 following her own postpartum pelvic floor journey which she would not wish on anyone, but is sadly all too common. Using her own catastrophic experience she has been able to work with clinicians, designers, software developers and medical scientists to develop the patented Kegel8 Ultra 20 v2 pelvic muscle exercise device. She is passionate about pelvic health and breaking down the taboos that surround pelvic floor problems for both women and men.

  1. Do kegel exercises work? They do if you follow these simple 5 steps to a stronger pelvic floor
  2. Sex might change during menopause, but it can get better and more fulfilling with a strong pelvic floor and a bit of extra lubrication. Stronger orgasms with Kegel8 guaranteed.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, couples in their 60s, 70s and even 80s still have sex. It’s natural, normal and even healthy. But how can you ensure a long lifetime of rewarding sex for both you and your partner? Follow these top tips from Kegel8…
  4. Kegel8 V For Men uses electrical stimulation to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and calm nerves, stronger erections are a side effect!
  5. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles without relying solely on Kegel exercises can involve a variety of approaches.
  6. Enhance Your Exercises with 3 Failproof Methods
  7. Pessary support for prolapse is essential to maintain the prolapse and stop it getting worse, eases pain and discomfort.
  8. Top Tips on Weight Loss for a Healthier Pelvic Floor
  9. Every part of your body is intricately connected, and your core muscles play a vital role in supporting not just your lower body, but your upper body too.
  10. Will you gain weight during menopause?
  11. Early menopause, also known as premature menopause, occurs when a woman's ovaries stop functioning and her menstrual periods cease before the age of 40.
  12. Picture of a weak pelvic floor that could prolapse because the pelvic organs are descending.