
  1. There are dozens of ways that you can fold your menstrual cup to help ease insertion, so here at Kegel8, we’ve compiled our top choices into one short video for you to choose and try.
  2. Beating constipation is not only vital for gut health but also for maintaining a robust pelvic floor. Dalia Maori suggests the following strategies
  3. Which Menstrual Cup Size Should You Choose?
  4. NICE Says the Vaginal Mesh Ban Can Be Lifted with Changes
  5. While stress is an inevitable aspect of life, its prolonged presence can have far-reaching effects beyond our emotional state.
  6. How Your Pelvic Floor Changes in Your 20's, 30's and 40's
  7. The Comprehensive Mother's Day Gift Guide
  8. The Relationship Between Gymnastics and the Pelvic Floor
  9. Top Tips to Remember When Using Your Menstrual Cup
  10. Enhance Your Exercises with 3 Failproof Methods
  11. How to Eat Your Way to a Healthy Pelvic Floor
  12. Unlocking a Better Period: 7 Game-Changing Benefits of Menstrual Cups