
  1. Do You #KnowYourVulva?
  2. Take Control of Your Bladder Health
  3. Top Tips to Stop Wetting Yourself
  4. Prevention is Better Than Cure
  5. Make Sure Your Pelvic Floor Doesn't Go Bang! Or POP!
  6. I Wish I'd Known: Constipation Can Damage Your Pelvic Floor
  7. Looking to enhance the efficacy of your pelvic floor exercises? Incorporating arm weights can fast-track your muscle strengthening journey!
  8. Kegel8 Contacts the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  9. Can Kegel Exercises Help with Piles and Haemorrhoids?
  10. Should You Talk About Pelvic Health with Your Mother-in-Law?
  11. Can the colour of your skin affect your pelvic health, see if you are more prone to leaks, fibroids or pelvic pain.
  12. Kegel8 Spreads Menopause Positivity in Yorkshire