Pelvic Floor

  1. Can Kegels Improve Sensation 'Down There'?
  2. Chartered Physiotherapist, Christien Bird - Can Kegel Exercises Boost Your Orgasms? A Women's Health Physiotherapist Gives Her Opinion
  3. Unfortunately, 1 in 2 women perform pelvic floor exercises incorrectly. Instead of squeezing and lifting the muscles, some women tend to bear down on them instead, weakening the muscles as a result.
  4. You can swim with a menstrual cup for… 12 hours!
  5. Kegel exercises are one of the best ways to eradicate bladder weakness.
  6. Kegel8 V For Men uses electrical stimulation to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and calm nerves, stronger erections are a side effect!
  7. Patience is key when practicing your Kegels because results are not immediate. You may still leak a little when you laugh, even after 3 weeks of exercise!  Mix patience with a healthy dose of dedication and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a strong and h
  8. The Mesh Scandal - One Year On...
  9. How Long is a Man Sexually Active For?
  10. The main method for keeping your pelvic floor strong and protected is to do your Kegels! Kegels (pelvic floor exercises) are essentially a pelvic floor workout. Just like your other muscles, they need to be exercised regularly in order to stay strong and
  11.  in 3 women are affected by urine leakage daily. Incontinence, although common, is not normal, and you do not have to pad the problem or be embarrassed to talk to your GP about your symptoms.
  12. Vaginal looseness and lack of sensation improved after just 6 weeks use with Kegel8.