Pelvic Floor

  1. The Impact of Smoking on Your Pelvic Health
  2. Can You Pamper Away Your Pelvic Pain?
  3. Standing Pelvic Floor Exercises and Supported Mums
  4. It's Time to Remove the Stigma Around Women's Health Conditions in the Workplace
  5. Let's Talk About Sex: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Fertility
  6. 1 in 100 adults are affected by bedwetting at some point during their lifetime, so you’re not the only one who’s suffering.
  7. Renowned pelvic health physiotherapists often emphasize the significance of strengthening our broader 'core' muscles, which include the pelvic floor, the minute back muscles, the lower abdominal muscles, and our primary breathing muscle
  8. Empowering Your Motherhood Journey with Kegel8
  9. Comparing Kegel8 Vaginal Cones to the Elvie Trainer
  10. Regularly performing Kegel exercises strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. Ensure you’re doing them correctly by seeking advice from a pelvic health specialist or physiotherapis
  11. How Kegel8 Can Help Treat Your Pelvic Pain
  12. Squats & Your Pelvic Floor: A Dual Approach to Strengthen and Relax with Amanda Savage