Weak Pelvic Floor Female

A weak pelvic floor in women refers to the condition where the muscles and connective tissues that make up the pelvic floor are not as strong or toned as they should be. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that provide support to the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When these muscles are weak, it can lead to various issues, such as urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and even discomfort during sexual activity.

  1. The main method for keeping your pelvic floor strong and protected is to do your Kegels! Kegels (pelvic floor exercises) are essentially a pelvic floor workout. Just like your other muscles, they need to be exercised regularly in order to stay strong and
  2. I am now one of those people who describe this machine as 'life-changing' and I find myself wanting to educate everyone on it, especially GPs who are not aware of it.
  3. Vaginal looseness and lack of sensation improved after just 6 weeks use with Kegel8.
  4. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles without relying solely on Kegel exercises can involve a variety of approaches.
  5. The Kegel8 menstrual or period cup allows for more time between emptying, especially on light days. Using a menstrual cup prevents the need to carry extra pads or tampons, which many women find burdensome and even embarrassing
  6. Prepping for Summer? Remember to Tone Your Pelvic Floor!
  7. It’s pretty common knowledge now that you should be exercising your pelvic floor. If you haven’t heard of Kegels where have you been?!
  8. Using the Kegel8 Kegel Weight Set is an easy and cost-effective way to measure the strength of your pelvic floor
  9. 6 Essential Films for a Stronger Pelvic Floor with Experts Amanda Savage and Stephanie Taylor
  10. How to keep your vaginal muscles firm and supportive and not lose tone or become baggy.
  11. Dr. Louise Wiseman on the Medical Merits of Kegel8 Pelvic Floor Toners
  12. Magda Pegowska, a health and fitness YouTuber, suffered from light incontinence following childbirth but didn’t see any problem with it – until the issue worsened over time and developed into a prolapse. But, Magda was determined to take control