Weak Pelvic Floor Female

A weak pelvic floor in women refers to the condition where the muscles and connective tissues that make up the pelvic floor are not as strong or toned as they should be. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that provide support to the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When these muscles are weak, it can lead to various issues, such as urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and even discomfort during sexual activity.

  1. The strength of your abdominal muscles plays a pivotal role in supporting your pelvic organs.
  2. Looking to enhance the efficacy of your pelvic floor exercises? Incorporating arm weights can fast-track your muscle strengthening journey!
  3. Top Tips For A Strong Pelvic Floor With Elaine Miller
  4. Kegel8 Features in the Mail on Sunday and Mail Online
  5. The #pelvicroar campaign is led by specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapists;
  6. Elaine Miller's 5 Top Tips to Save Your Pelvic Floor From Incontinence
  7. Better Orgasms and No Leaks: Tips for a Strong Pelvic Floor
  8. Shannon treated her incontinence with the Kegel8 pelvic floor exercise device.
  9. Theresa's bowel incontinence was improved with Kegel8, another success story from Kegel8.
  10. Tanya's urge incontinence was better in a matter of weeks with Kegel8
  11. After months of seeing a specialist physiotherapist Lisa felt she had made no progress.
  12. With results like this I will definitely be using this for the rest of my life.