Kegel8 Staff Writers

Kegel8  Staff Writers
Kegel8 Staff Writers
Pelvic Floor Reporters

Your go-to for the latest in pelvic health.

  1. In moments of laughter, a sudden sneeze, or an unexpected cough, those with incontinence can often find themselves facing uncomfortable leaks.
  2. The Menstrual Cycle and Your Pelvic Floor
  3. Why a Loose Vagina can Damage Your Quality of Life
  4. 5 Top Tips to Treat & Prevent Haemorrhoids
  5. Shannon treated her incontinence with the Kegel8 pelvic floor exercise device.
  6. Theresa's bowel incontinence was improved with Kegel8, another success story from Kegel8.
  7. Rectocele prolapse helped with the use of Kegel8 Ultra 20.
  8. Tanya's urge incontinence was better in a matter of weeks with Kegel8
  9. Lindsey had been suffering with incontinence issues.  Within 2 weeks Lindsey noticed a difference and so did her boyfriend.
  10. Jane was so anxious about leaking that she stopped going out.
  11. After months of seeing a specialist physiotherapist Lisa felt she had made no progress.
  12. With results like this I will definitely be using this for the rest of my life.