Expert Contributors

  1. Core Strengthening vs. Tummy Flattening: The Pelvic Floor Perspective with Baz Moffat
  2. Top Tips on Weight Loss for a Healthier Pelvic Floor
  3. Why Every Female Runner Should Consider Kegel Exercises.
  4. f you are a physiotherapist, you should not be afraid to recommend a product if you believe that it will aid your patients’ recovery. Likewise, if you are a patient, don’t hesitate to ask your specialist for a recommendation.
  5. Three Generations of Kegeling with Kegel8
  6. Tam Fry, the leading spokesperson for the National Obesity Forum, sheds light on an alarming trend.
  7. Standing Pelvic Floor Exercises and Supported Mums
  8. Renowned pelvic health physiotherapists often emphasize the significance of strengthening our broader 'core' muscles, which include the pelvic floor, the minute back muscles, the lower abdominal muscles, and our primary breathing muscle
  9. Empowering Your Motherhood Journey with Kegel8
  10. Squats & Your Pelvic Floor: A Dual Approach to Strengthen and Relax with Amanda Savage
  11. Overexercising, incorrect techniques, or neglecting your pelvic floor muscles can lead to discomfort or even pain in the pelvic area.
  12. Nobody likes unexpected "laughter leaks" when they cough, sneeze, or giggle. The secret to preventing these uninvited moments?