Kegel8 Blog

  1. Patience is key when practicing your Kegels because results are not immediate. You may still leak a little when you laugh, even after 3 weeks of exercise!  Mix patience with a healthy dose of dedication and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a strong and h
  2. Sex in your Sixties and Seventies – What to Expect
  3. The Mesh Scandal - One Year On...
  4. How Long is a Man Sexually Active For?
  5. The main method for keeping your pelvic floor strong and protected is to do your Kegels! Kegels (pelvic floor exercises) are essentially a pelvic floor workout. Just like your other muscles, they need to be exercised regularly in order to stay strong and
  6. How to Travel When Using a Menstrual Cup (5 Easy Ideas)
  7. I wanted to avoid surgery for my prolapse.
  8. Women all over the world need to know they do NOT have to wear depends or pads and accept it as getting older like TV and even doctors tell us.
  9. Super fit Caroline never expected to develop a health problem – but found that she couldn’t do exercise classes due to leaks.
  10. Tracy discovered that she had nerve damage - 6 weeks with a Kegel8 hugely improve her symptoms.
  11. 90% of women who use a menstrual cup love the confidence that it gives them. But getting started with one can be tricky.
  12. It’s pretty common knowledge now that you should be exercising your pelvic floor. If you haven’t heard of Kegels where have you been?!