Kegel8 Blog

  1. Incontinence during sex is primarily caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, practicing Kegel exercises could potentially help by improving the muscle tone and control in the pelvic area. Stronger pelvic floor muscles can better support the bladder and help
  2. Pelvic floor exercises can help relieve lower back pain, clinically proven pelvic floor muscle-strengthening exercises significantly reduce the low back pain intensity.
  3. Prostate problems become more common with age. The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Regular exercise may also help improve prostate health.
  4. Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Men Kegel8 V For Men will help strengthen and manage the pelvic floor weakness
  5. Is your vagina stressed? Vaginal Dryness & low libido are just some of the tell tale signs all is not well.
  6. Study reveals the most compatible Love Island pairings
  7. ‘Winter vagina’: Fact or fiction? How cold weather really does affect your vagina.
  8. The Most Confusing Intimate Areas (according to Google)
  9. Huge increase in Brits seeking help from Dr Google for intimate health issues
  10. Starting the new year with a goal of attending more spinning classes? Think twice. While spinning is undoubtedly a popular and beneficial workout, it may have some unintended consequences for your pelvic health.
  11. Expert answers women’s questions about vaginal HRT changes
  12. How do I Squeeze the Day with my pelvic floor muscle exercises?