Stronger Pelvic Floor

A strong pelvic floor refers to the condition of having well-toned and properly functioning muscles and connective tissues in the pelvic region. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that provide support to the organs in the pelvis, including the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum. Having strong pelvic floor muscles is essential for various bodily functions, including maintaining continence (urinary and bowel control), supporting the organs, and contributing to sexual health. When a pelvic floor becomes weak bladder leaks, lack of sensation, uncontrollable gas and wind and prolapse may result.

  1. Squats & Your Pelvic Floor: A Dual Approach to Strengthen and Relax with Amanda Savage
  2. Overexercising, incorrect techniques, or neglecting your pelvic floor muscles can lead to discomfort or even pain in the pelvic area.
  3. Nobody likes unexpected "laughter leaks" when they cough, sneeze, or giggle. The secret to preventing these uninvited moments?
  4. The strength of your abdominal muscles plays a pivotal role in supporting your pelvic organs.
  5. Looking to enhance the efficacy of your pelvic floor exercises? Incorporating arm weights can fast-track your muscle strengthening journey!
  6. Top Tips For A Strong Pelvic Floor With Elaine Miller
  7. In moments of laughter, a sudden sneeze, or an unexpected cough, those with incontinence can often find themselves facing uncomfortable leaks.
  8. Better Orgasms and No Leaks: Tips for a Strong Pelvic Floor
  9. Elaine Miller's 5 Top Tips to Save Your Pelvic Floor From Incontinence
  10. With results like this I will definitely be using this for the rest of my life.
  11. After months of seeing a specialist physiotherapist Lisa felt she had made no progress.
  12. Andrea was experiencing leaks when she ran, and didn't want to leak in gym classes anymore