Kegel8 Blog

  1. The Best Sex Positions If You Have A Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  2. Why Every Female Runner Should Consider Kegel Exercises.
  3. These are the Best Sex Positions If You Have Incontinence
  4. Don't let pelvic pain get in the way of you and your partner enjoying good sex, a few tweaks and you'll soon enjoy better sex.
  5. Sophie Claus began to suffer from incontinence following a total hysterectomy at age 32. But, she wasn't going to let the incontinence take over.
  6. The Importance of Using Exercise Gel with your Toner
  7. From injecting blood into your vaginal wall, to finding a wasp nest to be your vagina’s next victim, women try the most bizarre trends to improve or rejuvenate their vaginas. But just how revolutionary are these trends, and how can you improve your vagina
  8. ny active role puts pressure in the very areas that are still regaining strength and muscle balance. The core is involved with every breath and movement we take. If your daily life involves being a mum, carer, shop assistant, or basically anything that me
  9. Age Proof Your Pelvic Floor
  10. Dr. Louise Wiseman on the Medical Merits of Kegel8 Pelvic Floor Toners
  11. How Does Alcohol Affect YOUR Pelvic Floor?
  12. Magda Pegowska, a health and fitness YouTuber, suffered from light incontinence following childbirth but didn’t see any problem with it – until the issue worsened over time and developed into a prolapse. But, Magda was determined to take control